Development of USA Lavender Orpington - Update PICs pg 8

Great egg! Have you used them? If so were they single or double yolks?


I have not cracked one open yet, will probably get to that in a couple of days, these should make for some nice breakfast! Going to set a few of them just to check fertility since this is the first since molt.
Ewesheep, the orps should have 5 points on the comb. That was one of the things I was not happy with in the early generations, along with comb size. The new generation is showing improvement in the comb, although that's not the most critical aspect to work on initially. It is fairly easy to select for that later. I believe I have mostly 5 points now and a couple 6 point I hung on to in case their bodies are significantly better when they finish maturing.

Hen - that is a beautiful egg! I find after they moult, egg size increases. Not always quite that huge, but it does improve from the first year pullet eggs. Enjoy!
HenThymes, have you cracked that egg open yet. We're dying to know if it was a double yoker? Or are you sneakily planning to stick it under a broody hen.
Were you in my house today!!
Well it and two others actually went into the bator today with bunch of bantam orps. Checking fertility after over two months of nothing from my lavs. Getting prepared for the next improvents and want to make sure everyone is in working order.

I was planning to open one of them up but I only got three and then they went hold out on me again these past couple of days with our single digit weather. Just as soon as I get another one it will be opened and I will report back.
Ah, don't need to be there. I know most of you think like I do. <gotta incubate this one and see if a baby grows!>
I hope their fertile for you and your girls pick up again soon. We're freezing here too and the girls are just not happy about it. Looking forward to a slight "warm" up this weekend.
I'm curious if HenThymes candled too. Are they growing?

The chances are pretty slim if it is a double yolk to hatch. But if it is just a huge egg, she could get a huge chick.
Thanks for thinking about me! We have gotten another one of those massive eggs and did crack it open yesterday. While it was not a double yoker it was one massive eggs and fertile to boot!
Sooooo, I am hoping that the three I set are fertile and growing and yes going to be some honkin chicks.
I have a couple of more days and will candle to see what's going on in there.

Thanks for checking and I will update very soon.
Oh, gotta go check the hen box, I think she was laying this morning.
Oh, that is so cool! I can't wait to hear how they're doing in the incubator.

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