Development of USA Lavender Orpington - Update PICs pg 8

It is a broody nightmare here sometimes. All of my orps - my buffs, blacks, whites and lavs have broody tendencies. Drives me crazy sometimes, but I love them for it too.
Yes, my buffs and whites have hatched and raised chicks. My blacks have hatched, but I brooder raised those. I have not given my lavs eggs to hatch yet, but they are stubborn broodies like the rest of them.

Majestic, my young lavs aren't laying yet either. The boys are getting anxious about breeding, so I know they coming along eventually. My whites and buffs are still laying or have resumed, except the ones who are still finishing up their moults. I have one buff who didn't moult and I really wanted her too. She'll probably drop all her feathers duing a blizzard. lol I had a hen do that one year and the poor thing was so cold that year.
Do you by chance have any sources or recommendations for Black Orpington breeders?

Several on here have the 1/2 english type. The UOC secretary has about the best Black orps, or so I am told. A complete breeders listing is available when you join the UOC.

Hey Sandy! How are ya? Are any of your girls dropping eggs in the snow down there? No snow here yet, but hoping for a white Christmas.
That is terrific HenThymes! Congrats and keeping my fingers crossed that you hatch all 3 of those chunkies.
Hi Jody! I haven't seen an egg from either the new pen 75% English Black roo over Lav hens or the pure Lavender color pen since the 1st of Dec. We have had snow covering the ground all of Dec. I've got the bators ready to rumble when they do tho!
My whites are still laying and my buffs came back into lay after their fall moult, but my blacks still aren't laying. I'm thinking they may wait till spring to come back. My lavender and mottleds won't likely start till spring, but I still look for that first egg anyways. lol I've been itching to hatch some peeps too!

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