Development of USA Lavender Orpington - Update PICs pg 8

Only thing laying here are my little blrw bantams! I have found out I can do lots of baking by adding 2 wittle eggs instead of 1 large! lol
Only thing laying here are my little blrw bantams! I have found out I can do lots of baking by adding 2 wittle eggs instead of 1 large! lol

Sandy, wanna try using some serama eggs for baking!!
When my DH goes to get an egg and pulls on of those out he looks at me and says "what am I suppose to do with this"!!
You've met him, he's not a small guy.
Only thing laying here are my little blrw bantams! I have found out I can do lots of baking by adding 2 wittle eggs instead of 1 large! lol

Sandy, wanna try using some serama eggs for baking!!
When my DH goes to get an egg and pulls on of those out he looks at me and says "what am I suppose to do with this"!!
You've met him, he's not a small guy.

Yes I have met him and he is not a small guy! We just say around here that atleast they are EGGS and we don't have to buy any!! I haven't bought store eggs for almost 8 years now! It's been lean a few months but I refuse to buy eggs!
My little pyncheon and silkie eggs were tiny too, but they still cooked up well. I like using the little eggs for pickled or red beet eggs. I've been holding my eggs near and dear too. I love hot breakfast when it's so bitter cold out.
Well Jody, all three of my ginormous test eggs are still vital in the bator and today is day 14.

AND my all of my hens have started laying again including my young pullet. She gave me her first egg today (not small either) and it is a nice dark brown.
What a great egg collection day, yeah me!!!
That is awesome! I hope they hatch successfully for you.

Congrats on the pullet eggs!
Its really awesome to see all the lavender love being spread around.. ebay has gone crazy with lavender orp eggs to.. spread the love peeps.. its only gonna get better, with all the breeders with these out there the lavender orpington craze has just really begun..

**The dream of realization has come true**

1. the act of carrying out or achieving
2. something achieved or successfully completed
3. skill or talent
4. social grace, style, and poise

Achievement, exploit, feat are terms for a noteworthy act. Achievement connotes final accomplishment of something noteworthy, after much effort and often in spite of obstacles and discouragements: a scientific achievement. Exploit connotes boldness, bravery, and usually ingenuity: the famous exploit of an aviator. Feat connotes the performance of something difficult, generally demanding skill and strength: a feat of horsemanship. 2. fulfillment, realization.

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I can't wait for my chicks to come
I'm getting some blacks from hinkjc to improve my lavenders. I'm getting some whites too cause they were soooo pretty

my lavenders have finally started laying so I'm incubating some of their eggs
They did, two of them!
Thank you for asking. They just turned two weeks old, I will have to get an updated picture of them. Looks to be a darker and a lighter colored lavender.

Have 8 more eggs in the bator now and all are vital! Today is day 14 so not too much longer.

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