Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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They were like liquid in there. I candled when I set them, after 24 hours of sitting still, then again at 7 days and tossed the really liquid-y ones. When I cracked them open it was really gross, but at least I know what I was seeing when I did candle. There was no defined yolk at all when I candled just one big blob of goo that constantly moved all over the inside of the egg. I probably should have let them sit another day or so before putting them in, maybe. I don't know. The whole shipping process was a real mess for me from the get-go though. Next time I order it will be from here on BYC or from a couple of sellers on Ebay that I have marked ap
oh CRAPollies! NOT looking good for my egg at all.
I am seriously getting upset at this point! So MAD that I thought I knew enough from all the researching! I know NOTTA! ugggg you so much want to see those little guys move and OMG to see one hatch from your own hand!! sighhhhhh
My first weeper had a whole yolk with spider shaped veins. I never really saw a defined yolk in any of them until after about 5 days or so when I could see veining. At day 7 you will see veining and even a little chick. Candle it will make you feel better hopefully.
I agree with Chicksooner, you should candle on day 7. The one I have in lockdown (bless his/her little beating heart) is one that I was not positive on according to my notes on each egg. If you're not sure what you're seeing keep it in. It's all a learning experience and you won't repeat any "mistakes" you may have made. Your research is not for nothing, I've no doubt that you've already helped a lot of people just by this thread alone. Me included! :)

I think shipping of eggs is very hard, much harder than I thought, although that doesn't mean I won't do it again. I'll just be a better buyer from now on. Next year my JG's will be mature enough that I can try with my own eggs and then do a comparison on my hatch. They are laying fertile eggs now but they will only be 7 months old next Wed so I was thinking that they just are not old enough yet (the eggs are still a little small to my thinking). There's a Kindle e-book I bought for 99 cents that has been a great help to me through all this. If you want the name of it let me know.
My first weeper had a whole yolk with spider shaped veins. I never really saw a defined yolk in any of them until after about 5 days or so when I could see veining. At day 7 you will see veining and even a little chick. Candle it will make you feel better hopefully.
I am only on day 5 : (
I agree with Chicksooner, you should candle on day 7. The one I have in lockdown (bless his/her little beating heart) is one that I was not positive on according to my notes on each egg. If you're not sure what you're seeing keep it in. It's all a learning experience and you won't repeat any "mistakes" you may have made. Your research is not for nothing, I've no doubt that you've already helped a lot of people just by this thread alone. Me included! :)

I think shipping of eggs is very hard, much harder than I thought, although that doesn't mean I won't do it again. I'll just be a better buyer from now on. Next year my JG's will be mature enough that I can try with my own eggs and then do a comparison on my hatch. They are laying fertile eggs now but they will only be 7 months old next Wed so I was thinking that they just are not old enough yet (the eggs are still a little small to my thinking). There's a Kindle e-book I bought for 99 cents that has been a great help to me through all this. If you want the name of it let me know.
I did get the free incubation one from kindle store... I would love to know which you got... I will go check mine... wait LOL I can do it online duhhhh!!! he he he
Kindle~Permaculture Chicken: Incubation Handbook
Hess, Anna August 15, 2012
Kindle your correct I DID pay a buck for it too!
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