Disease symptom checker/diagnosis tool; is there interest?

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  • No, too many variables

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I ran through the program and tested several diseases and illnesses. While in some cases it does give me the target diagnosis, other times the target diagnosis isn't even on its radar.
Their followup information with suggested ailments is very, very thorough and does offer a lot of insight and interesting solutions. That part I plan to replicate (not copy).
I prefer to create a version that is more accurate in diagnosis, lets the user select more symptoms in either a suggested format, searching format or a "yes, no, kind of" format or a combination of some of the above.
I also aim to improve the accuracy of suggested illnesses and their likelihoods.
Hello everyone! :frow
I am thinking about creating a tool that can be used to diagnose possible chicken diseases and offer multiple routes of treatment. The idea is to use an interactive flowchart or survey format in which users can select symptoms and/or degrees of severity that are computed to lead the user to the best match for the disease or illness that their bird suffers from. Additionally, treatment options could be discussed with the diagnosis. The goal is to offer a fast and simple, user friendly online diagnostic tool for quicker and more accurate home diagnosis.
I plan to use multiple references both online, textual and real world to develop an accurate selection of symptoms.

What I want to know is if there is any interest in such a tool.

Feel free to ask questions.
-Cyprus :)
Hi, I'm not exactly new to raising chickens, but I have a definite interest in your idea. I am experiencing new issues lately and would really like a reference to go to when emotions are high especially. Thank you for being willing to put the work in for such a reference and guide.
Hello everyone! :frow
I am thinking about creating a tool that can be used to diagnose possible chicken diseases and offer multiple routes of treatment. The idea is to use an interactive flowchart or survey format in which users can select symptoms and/or degrees of severity that are computed to lead the user to the best match for the disease or illness that their bird suffers from. Additionally, treatment options could be discussed with the diagnosis. The goal is to offer a fast and simple, user friendly online diagnostic tool for quicker and more accurate home diagnosis.
I plan to use multiple references both online, textual and real world to develop an accurate selection of symptoms.

What I want to know is if there is any interest in such a tool.

Feel free to ask questions.
-Cyprus :)
Its a great idea but i guess the cost would determine if i would be a user.
I think it's a great idea. I'm a mod on a tortoise forum. We don't have anything like that and wish we did. It would save a lot of multiple threads asking about the same illness/rash/mark/etc.
Dont be silly, people will still post about the same thing over and over. We'll just have somewhere to send them. Haha. It's like the sticky tag about what info to include in your emergency post but like 10% of people follow it.

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