Dixie Rainbows Thread

Yes. They are from McMurray hatchery, but they call them pioneers. I started a new thread to record their weights and pics - in the meat chicken area.
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I saw one of the posts in the thread had Freedom Rangers, so are those also the same? If so, the freedomrangerhatchery.com website seems to have the best prices for them, and someone locally swears by them.

I picked up 4 at TSC and at the same age as my BOs and White Leghorns, they are about 33 to 50% larger already at only 3.5 weeks.

I got them to be my first meat birds to try it out, and all the others are pullets. The local guy I was talking to processes all his own and exclusively uses the Freedoms due to the dual purpose set up of them. If someone can positively link them for me, I think I've found my go to breed.


John M.
While I like the egg laying abilities of these guys they do not appear to handle heat well. They are looking more distressed than my cochins ever did and it only got up to 91 for a few days. During that time their egg whites were like water, so probably not the best breed for the deep south. Food for thought.
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How's the docility on these?
I see some articles where they are super and some where they are little monsters. Have a mixed flock all don't need jerks.
My Dixie roo is by far my best, I also have 2 blrw roos. He keeps the girls safe, calls them when he finds little treats, and alerts to any threat. He did come at me one time when he was just over a year old. I reared back and gave him a good kick in the chest and we haven't had that problem since. He does well with my other roos too. Everyone knows their place and it's been a long time since any fighting has gone on. My hen, Trixie, is the sweetest, calmest hen I have. I also have a mixed flock and have had no problems.
Quote: It depends on your flock, my DR's are middle of the road.

In my mixed flock (LF Cochins/EE's) they are bullies mostly because of size/weight. In a flock of RIR's or something more pushy they would probably be super sweet birds.
My Dixie rainbow. He's my gentle giant
He probably is, the hens are easter eggers- all have pea comb except for the light colored hen next to him and far to back to picture is the only possible dixie.
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An update on my Rainbows... I've lost all but the smallest (12lbs?) hen to heat stroke. She quit laying about a month ago when it got over 90 degrees, is now about 8 months old and I am not sure when she will start up again. Hopefully when it cools off?

The cochins and EE's are doing fine and still laying. They've got shade from trees and buildings, a nice cement slab to burrow under, lots of water and a shallow pan I keep full for them to wade in. It has been 99ish with a heat index of ~109 this last week.

Can not recommend these if you are in the deep south though they were very nice chickens and laid awesome eggs.

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