DIY Bantam Coop?


Apr 8, 2016
Belleville, MI
I recently lost a favorite rooster to a falcon.... and now I have a new bantam fluffball I am just absolutely in love with. I've decided to stop my bantams from free ranging.

I'm wondering if anyone knows of any GOOD DIY plans or even photos of your own Bantam coops (I can get a good idea of the build from looking)..... I have looked up alot of photos but most of them seem to be those pre-fab coops--- I do not trust those to keep critters like raccoons out.

I'm hoping to do something raised off the ground with a mini run (because I don't want to go through the pain of laying cement again like I did for my bigger coop.)

Anyone have any good links? Photos, tips, etc, for building a good, safe bantam coop? I'd like it to hold about 8 or so of them....

I have cochin bantams, what I did for mine was basically build a 10 feet long 5 feet wide and 5 foot high coop. It is basically like a half house so imagine a house cut in half that's it I will post pictures when I get home from work. I built it that big because I have quite a few birds... how many do you have? If not too many you could get away with an A frame or something.
I have cochin bantams, what I did for mine was basically build a 10 feet long 5 feet wide and 5 foot high coop.  It is basically like a half house so imagine a house cut in half that's it I will post pictures when I get home from work.  I built it that big because I have quite a few birds... how many do you have?  If not too many you could get away with an A frame or something.

Thank you! If you could grab those photos when you have a chance I'd love to see them

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