Do I have confused ducks???


8 Years
Aug 10, 2011
Kyle, TX
I have 2 Indian Runners and about 50 chickens. I had 6 ducks, but a dog killed all but the 2, one male and one female. The grew up with chicks and now hang out with the chickens. I have tried making them their own sleeping area, but they insist on sleeping under the roosting chickens. The male duck actually chases the hens. I actually saw him mount and mate with one of the hens. I was surprised that she let him. I had been trying to see where the female would lay her eggs when she started. I use plastic milk boxes for the hens to lay their eggs. That is where she lays her eggs too! She goes in there before most of the hens are off the roost and the male stands around waiting for her. I have decided to let them be as 'chicken' as they want to. I don't think it will hurt them. I am trying to find a way to make a place for them to sleep under the chickens without getting pooped on though.
It's fine for them to be with the chickens - mine live in the chicken coop too - but you do NOT want your drake mating with your chicken hens. They have different anatomies, and the act of mating between them can cause serious injury or death to the hens. I would either get more ducks so your drake has more appropriate mates and leaves the hens alone, or separate them from the chickens, which it doesn't sound like you want to do, so I would go with more ducks. It's a good excuse to get more, right? :p

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