Do parrot brooders work for baby quail or baby chicks?


6 Years
Jul 14, 2017
Hello so ive had the rcom bird brooder for around 6 years now and i wonder if they can be used for chickens and or quail babies. I usually use the brinsea ecoglow for my chicks. But have been using the rcom brooder for sick chickens, surgery recovery chooks, baby parrots/birds, and even as a hatcher.

I am looking to hatch out some baby button/king quails and i know how fragile they are with their heating element so i guess the ecoglow is a no go as ive heard times where they can’t find the heating source.

Im not sure if the brooder can be used for quail hatchlings or maybe special needs baby chicks that need to be seperated. Ive had a disaster including heat lamps so if they can be avoided ill go with the other option. So should i just stick to lamps as a backup or would it be okay?

This is what it looks like (mine is in storage right now):
I don't have any experience with Quail, but if they have a hard time finding a brooder plate, could you just up some Christmas or string lights to give the brooder a faint glow for the first week? I've read its good to give chicks light when they are young so they can get used to finding things at night.
Again, no experience with Quail, or with that brooder, just my 2 cents. Good luck with your babies!
I don't have any experience with Quail, but if they have a hard time finding a brooder plate, could you just up some Christmas or string lights to give the brooder a faint glow for the first week? I've read its good to give chicks light when they are young so they can get used to finding things at night.
Again, no experience with Quail, or with that brooder, just my 2 cents. Good luck with your babies!
thank you, never thought of that. I do keep them inside the home office so they get light most of the time. ill consider getting string light for future chicks so they won't get blasted with the room light 24/7.

although for quail chicks ive heard they are not too smart and even in full light they can't find the plate :hmm. this will be my first time with them so I've never had first hand experience but people do say that they don't do well on brooder plates sadly.

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