Do you ever?


11 Years
Dec 28, 2008
Seattle, WA
As a treat, I occasionally give the 3 B's a little bit o' cooked chicken. Does anyone else do this? Is it right? Just curious as they love the taste of chicken (and cheese).
If you choose to feed it, it's a good source of protein for them. They only look at it as food, not their great aunt Betsy.
My chickens go ga-ga over canned cat food. I will occassionally give them a treat of Wal_mart canned "fish-type" catfood. When they hear the can open they come running.
We let ours pick over whatever makes it past the dogs and cat. Somewhere out there on the ranch is a chicken foot they ran off with, that they got ahold of at butchering time. It was a little morbid to see them all chasing after the thief with a leg hanging out of its beak.
Re-assuring replies - thank you

My wife is vegetarian and gives me 'the look' when I treat my B's with a little tasty chickie snack. I say "hey, they're omnivores, they don't know the difference"
I should invite her to my house. She can watch my chooks beat the snot out of a frog by beating it against the wall of the house before they consume it. Now that's gross!
We feed our flock any well-cooked meat left-overs that we have...chicken included, especially in the winter time.

Just like alot of things about raising chickens, it purely a personal choice.

Ya-the frog thing is nasty! I never expected them to do that! They chased each other trying to get a turn thrashing the poor thing. I also saw them with a bat (but i didn't let them eat it.)

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