Do you let your chickens out in the rain?

Chickens love going out in the rain as it is great worm catching weather. They do need to have access to run for cover, under a bush or table, even a patio umbrella.
Not only can Buff Orpington's tolerate the rain- they can tolerate floods(as mine have done on occasion) and... look at this.... they are apparently quite the swimmers.

That is SO cute
they look like they are having a lot of fun! I have 2 Buff Orpingtons maybe I should get a pool lol
This is good to know cause mine got caught in a down pour but when I went to get them they kept running from me which is totally not like them so I assumed they were having fun digging for bugs and they had plenty of spot to get away from the rain so I left them. They needed a bath too so it worked out for everyone!
That is SO cute
they look like they are having a lot of fun! I have 2 Buff Orpingtons maybe I should get a pool lol
I was going to get one of those plastic kiddie pools for mine to get in out of the heat, hubby didnt think it was a good idea afraid they would drown..... Maybe I'll get one after all.
They are not water fowl, they can't take off from the water like a duck or goose. If they don't have a way to climb out their feathers will become water logged, lose their buoyancy and they will drown. Those pullets had people watching them.
They are not water fowl, they can't take off from the water like a duck or goose. If they don't have a way to climb out their feathers will become water logged, lose their buoyancy and they will drown. Those pullets had people watching them.
I would not leave them un attended. The pool is one of those little plastic kiddie pools about 4 or 5 inches tall
Have you done the sand in the coop yet? How did it work?
I have silkie chicks and they have been eating the wood chips, I have lost two and realized then what was happening. Now they are on a bare floor but we all know how that goes.

thank you! :)
My current chickens were born and raised indoors. Once they feathered out a bit they went to the coop with a fully covered run. So couple that with the gorgeous sunny warm dry weather we had this summer, they never saw rain in their lives. The first time it rained while they were out pecking around my yard they freaked out and couldn't run for cover fast enough. I kept picturing poor Chicken Little running around yelling "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" That's what they reminded me of. But after being outside all summer and so far this fall they've been subjected to a few rainstorms and are quite comfortable in the rain. They just come and go as they please now and don't give it much thought.
I know this is an old thread, but I was wondering the same thing as it's supposed to storm today so I searched and this thread came up. I have a run without a roof;/cover and no pop door built yet. ( i have to carry each chicken to the run. lol) I just simply went out and leaned an old piece of plywood about 4' x 6' against the solid wood coop. If it starts raining/pouring at least they can run under the makeshift lean to if they want. ;)
Rain does't hurt fully feathered chickens...But if you have a small, non-grassy run you'll have one h------l of a mess.. It won't look too humane if it comes a downpour and they can't run back inside...May even get you arrested if you have neighbors with an inclination for drama...
We use hay in our coop it works pretty well. Also the nice thing about hay is that after they have made it disgusting we use it in the garden and put fresh hay down. We only use shavings when it's the chicks that way they don't get lost in it!
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