Do you play favorites? Admit's OK....I won't tell the others....

My 3 Silkies run from me now that they know little sister Chaz the Austrolorp is my favourite. She sits on my shoulders while I hang the washing out and knows that when the sun is setting 'daddy' comes home and waits by the fence until my partner comes home from work. She gets so excited when his ute pulls up that she jumps onto the top of the fence and once sprung attacked him to get on his shoulder. They're all funny and quirky but Chazzy has a special place in my heart cause shes kooky like me :)
Your broody Buffy sounds like my Fiesty, a one-eyed Americauna/Barred Rock cross who raised many a setting of peeps for me. She laid just fine, but you could also put other eggs under her and she would raise them like her own. And woe betide if anything tried to touch one of them! I watched her whip a coyote so bad he left the yard after trying to snag one of her peeps. the cats knew better than to try. She used to nest next to the dog house favored by my big Staffordshire, Eddy. (I have several parked in strategic places in case of bad weather while I am away.) She loved Eddy, and he loved her, and guarded her peeps as if they were his. I really miss that girl...

As far as contemporary favorites, I admit that at the moment, my heart belongs to the new baby Golden Lakenvelders that I have hatched out this spring. I am really enjoying those guys. I also put one of the smaller Americaunas that hatched about the same time in with them, because the other ones were picking on it, and now she is almost twice the size of the Lakenvelders but they are all bosom buddies. Then there are the geese I hatched out for Mother's day; my son got them for me but neglected to ask the seller what breed they were so we have been calling them the Mystery Geese until they get old enough that we can tell what they are for sure LOL. They are very bonded to me, these are my first ever geese and I was there when they hatched, so I think maybe they imprinted on me; I know all they have to do is hear my voice and they start calling. One of them has adopted the Lakenvelders which I am very happy about because if they all grow up together, I understand that the geese will protect the chickens. I have a lot of chickens, but that particular group are all my faves.
I have two favorites, chillian and baybay. They are both adorablr little runts that enjoy being held. They steal the most food from the bigger chickens too.

The smallest chicken, named stub for her slower feather growth as a chick, she is shy and a small barred rock. our food is higher up then normal and sometimes i feel she can't reach it but i see her knock the lid off and eat the inside out of it. what she doesn't make up for in strength, she makes up for in smarts.
I am the same way. People think that I am crazy because I spend a lot of time with the chickens and hand feeding them their treats. They really do become like pets and all have their own personalities. My two favorites-
Yup! I'm a bit obsessed too. My concentration for work & college is sorely lacking, lol.
If I could afford to, my job description would include "chicken-keeping, gardening, canning fruits & vegetables, cooking, baking," etc. etc.
I think I was born in the wrong century, lol.

I'm a stay at home mom, so add monkey warden to that list, and this is my job description. I love my job!
I only have 3 - 1 BA (the snuggler), 1 RIR (the talker), 1 EE (the guardian)
Since we only have the three, we can spoil each one. I am forever thankful
to them for snapping me out of a nasty, lengthy, depression. I can't take
myself too seriously when I have chickens running in my yard and jumping
in my lap at times

Ya know, mine did the same thing for me! After 18 years, and many different medications, who knew that 4 chickens would do the trick?! I'm so glad you posted this

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