Does anyone eat Peahen eggs?

Hmmm, well if they are greens, they probably won't lay that many.  I don't know, but you could ask Gerald @barkerg
-- and while you are talking to him, see about getting a male to match.  Greens are typically quieter than blues, so less likely to upset your neighbors, and I betcha you can sell THOSE eggs for a lot more than $8 each :th They can pay their own feed bill...

Eating green eggs would be some kinda sacril-egg-e for sure  ;)

I have eaten a pea egg before maybe 1 or 2 and it was very rich in flavor like a guinea egg almost gamey. I could not eat a green egg to be honest. I tried to eat one of our chicken roosters once and that went over like someone passed gas in church, the kids got so mad at me when they asked why the chicken was tough as a boot. I told them it was the rooster that crowed on the back porch and they got mad and did not want to eat anymore. So now we only eat our chicken eggs,

Gerald Barker

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