Does feeding expired yogurt increase egg production


In the Brooder
Jan 8, 2017
I've been seeing on Facebook a claim that people fed their chickens expired yogurt and nearly doubled their egg production within the first week of giving it to the chickens. Anyone know anything about this?
I've been seeing on Facebook a claim that people fed their chickens expired yogurt and nearly doubled their egg production within the first week of giving it to the chickens. Anyone know anything about this?

No more than feeding a good feed-----that yogurt thing is all over FB etc. I fed my chickens layer feed and had been getting 4/5 eggs a day----then in a few days I was getting up to 14 eggs a day--it was just time for the flock to pick up----days are getting longer. I believe Nothing I hear and probably less than 1/2 of what I see.
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I seem to recall reading here on BYC that the calcium in yoghurt is largely not bio-available to chickens. I have given expired yoghurt to my chickens and they love it - but i only do so rather than throwing it away (and for the amusement of watching them eat it
). I think I also read that the pro-biotic stuff can help restore gut flora / fauna after de-worming
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Oh good, we just gave our chickens expired yogurt so we don't throw it away, i was worried if it'll poison them :/

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