Does this look like the start of angelwing?

Blob Chicken

10 Years
Nov 2, 2009
So my Muscovy here is 7 weeks old and her flights have started growing in big time the past couple days, and now her wings are a little floppy.

Does this look like the starts of angelwing to you guys, or just her wings not used to the weight of the new feathers yet?


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So my Muscovy here is 7 weeks old and her flights have started growing in big time the past couple days, and now her wings are a little floppy.

Does this look like the starts of angelwing to you guys, or just her wings not used to the weight of the new feathers yet?

That does look very like angel wing. try not to give her bread or chicken feed as you do not want to give her too much protein or calories. Let it grow out a bit and then when you think it is enough tape it down using some medical tape in the direction it’s supposed to grow. Hope this helped :)
Yes definitely, on both sides.
Shes still young so it can be corrected if you can wrap her! Do it now before the wing feathers grow anymore or it will be too late to fix.

Bread is NOT sufficient for proper nutrition and should only be fed occasionally as a treat. At this age 16% grower should be fine along with foraging outside
No....Not Angel wing....They hold the wings out when they growing that way.....Leave it a few weeks it will be fine...
This IS angel wing and needs to be wrapped asap if wanting to correct it.
Angel wing is when the tips grow out away from the body. When they grow and have heavy blood feathers, they sag (I think this is what you are thinking of). They only sag until they build muscle to hold them up. NOT commonly seen in call ducks.
Not my pic, found on google. But this shows the start of angel wing from a different angle. The bird on the left is developing
it on his left side. See how it's growing AWAY from the body?
I had a duckling who had flight feathers just like this when they were growing in. They stuck out to the side. I was so sure that it was angel wing. But I decided to give it a couple weeks for the feathers to grow a bit longer and make wrapping easier. By the end of the 2 weeks her feathers had tucked up normally. So yes, it could be angel wing, but I would give it just a little longer to be sure. If you don't see a change then you should go ahead and wrap her wings.

This isn't the greatest picture, but it's the only one I took of my duckling while her wings looked that way. You can kind of see the feathers sticking out to the side. It was definitely more noticeable when her feathers were a bit longer:

Heyo, thanks for the input everyone!

I did decided to bind her wings. First wrapping attempt (Blue sports wrap) was pretty sloppy and she got out of it in like 20 minutes lol. Next I cut a small length of pantyhose and that did the trick, lol.

Freaking duck gave me a heart attack the next morning though! Even though the pantyhose were quite snug, the damn bird managed to wiggle out of them somehow early in the morning, and I was freaking out thinking she must have ate the pantyhose since I couldn't find it in her cage. Turns out her just managed to roll it up under her wings somehow and it just kind of disappeared into her black feathers. Took me about 10 minutes to figure that one out lol. Regardless, even though she was only bound up for about 12 hours, it did the trick and her wings are in proper form now :)


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