Does THIS mean we have too many chickens ?!-----The "skinny" revealed.

Have faith UC. Our girls support themselves and God does provide. Jist let Him.
I still git excited Pheobe for every egg even when my 10 layers may only give me 3 eggs in a day. I also still thank God everyday for each and every egg i pull from the nest boxes.
My grambaby will reach into the box and with each egg she pulls out will stop and say.."thank you God da egg" before she puts 'em in the basket.
that still doesn't compute...we gotta know...was it Willy Wonka that said, "The suspense is delicious...I hope it lasts!"

Actualy Rhandi, we're down to 34 birds now. I gave some away. Most of 'em came form my firends girls. I help to get rid of his eggs also.
denie, denise, denise. PLEASE take this with the love and kindness that i mean it to be.
KNOW YER FACTS before you say things.
First off, i can absolutely assure you that if ANYONE near us is in need that we don't know about. They need only ask and i'll give them the shirt off my back. And or my coat of they so need/want. Our garden as well as our fridger is open to ANYONE that lacks.
As for our basement. Picture a 170 y/o stone foundation. No how many openings or gaps would you think is in it ? Given that, how many critters of all sizes,shapes,number of legs do you think take up residence down there? Not to mention the adjoining crawl space with the dirt floor down there. I'm sure there's spiders big enough down there to set on and hatch a chicken egg.
Are you gittin the picture young lady ?
that still doesn't compute...we gotta know...was it Willy Wonka that said, "The suspense is delicious...I hope it lasts!"

Actualy Rhandi, we're down to 34 birds now. I gave some away. Most of 'em came form my firends girls. I help to get rid of his eggs also.

oh, but now the suspense is over!

that is awesome how you help others! a true blessing and labor of love! God bless and hook us up with some more mysteries!
All correct natallie. 'cept fer yer last line. I couldn't wait fer time to sit and respond to this "monster" i've created .
( wasn't intentional tho)
Thanx Nat
As Janet would say Diane..."p'shaw". And as Jim would say......
"It's not work when you give with joy in yer heart."

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