Dog Attack!


In the Brooder
Feb 28, 2017
Springfield, MO
A dog broke into my chicken run and I found it chasing my youngish chicks into the pond, the rooster crowing is what alerted me. I pulled two 2 month old silkies out of the water both alive and floating. One ran off to the other chicks and the other laid on the ground and after disposing of the dog I came back to find it still on the ground. I thought it was dead and picked it up to dispose of it and it's alive! But it'll hardly move and seems weak. I think shock may just kill it. I moved it into the duckling brooder under the light and put a drop of nutridrench in its beak. Any other advice that may help it live?
A dog broke into my chicken run and I found it chasing my youngish chicks into the pond, the rooster crowing is what alerted me. I pulled two 2 month old silkies out of the water both alive and floating. One ran off to the other chicks and the other laid on the ground and after disposing of the dog I came back to find it still on the ground. I thought it was dead and picked it up to dispose of it and it's alive! But it'll hardly move and seems weak. I think shock may just kill it. I moved it into the duckling brooder under the light and put a drop of nutridrench in its beak. Any other advice that may help it live?
I'm sorry to hear this.

It sounds like you are doing everything you can at the moment for her. Keep her in a warm, calm place. The Nutri-Drench is good. In a little while, give her a some water (you can add Nutri-Drench to that if desired). She may be in shock or she could have some injuries - chickens carry on so when in a panic they can do themselves in sometimes.

If you can get her roused a little, check her over well for any signs of wounds, cuts, etc.

I hope she recovers, keep us posted.
Well it's still alive, she's twitching a little and opening her beak in little gasps. For a little while water was bubbling out of its beak, I held her upside down for a little while until the water stopped coming and now she's a bit more... I want to say mobile, but that's not the right word since all it's doing is laying on its side and occasionally twitching, still, it seemed to help. I want to put it with the other chicks to see if the contact maybe helps perk it up but I'm worried about them pecking her. They're all just huddled under the coop evidently in a bit of shock themselves.
There aren't any injuries on her at all, and when I make her she'll hold up her head for a couple of seconds but she's getting more listless again
I rinsed her off (she was covered in dirt from laying on the ground and with her inactivity I wanted to check again for wounds more closely) and she reacted strongly, kicking and even flapping until deciding the warm water was nice. Silkies. But once she relaxed it was back to floppy chicken. I took a syringe to rinse the dirt from its eyes and put some water in its beak from the side. It drank a little and now is even giving tiny peeps but still only lays on it's side with its eyes closed not moving. I'm thinking of putting her on a heat pad on the lowest setting in the dog crate I set up for her. Any idea if this will work or is even safe?
Do you have a heat lamp? I would be more comfortable with putting her in the tub with a heat lamp and towel to lay on. Do you have any vitamin/electrolyte mix or nutridrench?
I gave her nutridrench. There aren't any outlets near any of the tubs in my house (thankfully. I have small children.) I had it under a heat lamp at first, but she didn't respond at all, I'm thinking gentle warmth in actual contact with her would stimulate her more
Heating pad will work from what I am reading... "Place heating pad under bedding or a red lamp overhead. Optimum temperature for a sick bird is 80-85 degrees. Keep the carrier indoors and near you." Just make sure she's not getting too hot and continue to give her fluids. Maybe make her some scrambled egg and see if she will eat it.
The poor thing isn't responsive enough yet to offer food. I've get her laying on a boat load of paper towels on top of the heat pad on the lowest setting and she's doing better than she has thus far. I can actually see her breathing now and there's more peeping. Still closed eyes and laying on her side though.

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