Dog Breed Experience Poll/Database

We have a Mini Schnauzer that killed one of our 8 week old turkeys. Some of it was my own fault. She is really good with the chickens after my buff gave her a good flogging. I thought she would be fine with the turkeys but I guessed wrong. The chickens stay away from her but the turkeys are not really scared of anything. I don't think she was trying to kill it she just got in a chase with it and got its neck to hard. I’m just hoping now she doesn't have a taste for turkey like I do.
i have found you just never trust something with a prey drive with a chicken, my dachshunds will kill a chicken in a heart beat, the only dog that i owned that has never attempted to kill a chicken was my pug/boston terrier mix, he stood clear at the other side of the yard when a chicken committed suicide and flew into the yard with the dogs
My mini schnauzer would love to get at my chicks. I know she bit on of the tails of one once and probably would kill them if she could.
Collie a/k/a Rough Coat Collie or 'Lassie' Dog - chicken guardian. At least mine is; she follows me everywhere in the house and thinks all the other pets are 'her' pets. She's definately a lover.

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