Dog owner with neighbours rooster trapped...please help!


In the Brooder
6 Years
My neighbour has 2 roosters and a female duck. I know that is odd and it is a long story but they are all very happy. Their coop is like fort knox and I can't seem to find how this breach was made but I have a rooster in my yard. I leave my sliding doors open so my 2 shihtzus can go in and out in the summer. I was in the bathroom when I heard a whole lot of clucking and barking going on. I started screaming NO from in the house. When I got outside there were feathers everywhere and the rooster was laying with his leg out to the side. My one dog was dancing around it and the other was...deep sniffing it's wing? I can't think of another way to explain it. I told them to go in the house and they did. I got a towel and went out to get the rooster. Before I even got down the steps he ran into my laurel bushes. These laurel bushes are at least 4 feet wide with branches almost in a complete criss cross pattern underneath. I cannot get to him and he takes off every time I get near. I don't know how hurt he is or if he is only that he has been under there for hours and I can't seem to get him out. The dogs are ofcourse under house arrest until I can get him.

His owner is not home and I am not sure what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! I did notice some feathers with blood on them but cannot see any blood on the rooster. I am wondering if one of the dogs grabbed his tail feathers and they ripped out. She did cough up a feather later.
Can you get close enough to throw a blanket over him?

Aside from that I don't really know, but I'm so glad you're keeping your dogs away - my girls recently got into my neighbor's yard and her dog attacked them, resulting in us having to put one down...but she came running to get me instead of putting her dog away, and then when I ran into her yard she screamed at me not to come near her dog because he'd attack ME now, and then she finally put him away....but she had to go out soon after, so she let him out again even though all my chickens weren't accounted for and I was still looking!
I would go leave a note on the door of the owners to come over to you see you when they get home and a brief explanation of what happened then just keep an eye on the rooster for now and see if he comes out. Trying to get to him now will probably just freak him out more.

Note: I have little experience with chickens but I do with animals in general so that's what I'm going by here.
Thank you so much for your responses! I brought the towel out planning to do just that but it is way too thick in the bushes to do it. It is hard just to see him. He is laying down facing the hole which makes me sad and I can tell he is stressed very much. I read they like strawberries and tried with that but to know avail. I am hoping if he does come out that I see him in time and that he doesn't take off somewhere that I don't notice him.

My dogs would never attack a person. They have never actually seen a chicken before though. I have to say that I am quite surprised that when I said go in the house that they went.

I just herad some god awful clucking and ran out. He ate the strawberry. At the end of the laurel bushes we have a chicken wired garden and it seems he wanted in. Soon as he heard me open the screen he dove back into cover. I am glad to see he is atleast wandering about
go ahead and try luring the bird to the kennel. Don't sweat it if it doesn't work. All livestock owners run the risk of losing animals. you've done what you could.
just looked up and saw a dog running off with one of our layers. "Old Houdini" was going on three years old. she got her name by getting away form a young Lynx that lost interest after catching her. hope the owners leave the ribbon on it's coller.
oh no Strikefalcon! We are a vegan household that sometimes will have eggs. Only the happy happy chicken kind. I understand it is nature and everything but the thought of my dogs killing anything disturbs me. What disturbs me more is that we are hoping when we move to get a couple chickens. I really wanted to have the dogs meet chickens the first time on my terms. I worry that this may put off our chicken dreams until they pass away.

I have the kennel out there and put strawberries in it and a line to it. I have my fingers crossed.

PepperNerd I also wanted to say that I am so sorry that dog owner treated you that way. I can't imagine that mind set at all. I am heartsick looking at all the downy feathers in my yard :(
I am happy to announce SHE has been captured. All I saw was the comb and assumed she was a rooster! My neighbour came home finally and we each stood at one side and managed to trap her.

She is definetly not dumb though. Twice she came out to the kennel and both times she shut the door!!

Thank you all so very very much for your help!

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