Double yolk eggs?

My girls will not eat pellets or crumbles. They like scratch and peck naturally free layer feed. I feed my 6 hens and 1 roo about 6 cups of feed per day and they free range sun up till sun down. They also get kitchen scraps and their favorite treat is bacon grease mixed in with the feed dust that accumulates in the bowl every few days. I get some jumbo sized eggs but never a double yolk.
My chicks are only 4 weeks old so obviously not getting any eggs of any sort yet. Right now I buy all my eggs from my local farmers market. My mother-in-law and I get a few flats and share. Im 20 weeks pregnant and am so much bigger than I was with my son that I had the Dr check twice right in the beginning for twins. For the last week I've cracked a double yolk into the frying pan everyday. I thought maybe it was just this batch but my MIL hasn't had a single one in several months. I am not superstitious but I was a little freaked out that it was an omen of some sort. Glad to find this thread and see that double yolks are not as rare as I thought! lol.
Our girls just started laying a couple of weeks ago and we have gotten one double yolk. The egg was bigger than the others had been, but not abnormally large. It was comparable to a large egg from the grocery. It never occurred to me that it was a double until it was eaten tonight, lol (look up a recipe for Loco Moco to find another way to use your eggs). I also have not been measuring or really monitoring (except to know when they need more)their food. It just didn't occur to me, so I guess I will be doing that from now on.
Making scrambled eggs this morning, I realized that the large eggs are double yolkers. Yes, we are very new to chicken keeping and have just started getting eggs but that was pretty amazing to us. I'm glad to have found this site so that I know that this isn't unusual for new layers. I have to say the scrambled eggs were great.

I am getting a lot of double yolkers from my Freedom Ranger. After reading that it isn't so great for her, I think I'm going to separate her while the food is out so I can more closely monitor/control her food intake. I think she just likes eating, and I don'e blame her. Almost all of us people could benefit from less food, too!
As hens keep laying, their eggs can get a little bigger. My hens all started laying pretty small eggs and now lay pretty regular sized eggs. No JUMBO size (unless they are double yolked), but who needs 'em?
Our Cali White laid a double yolk on her third egg! She has now skipped laying a day. I know it is really too early for her to have much of a pattern (20 was). But boy was it exciting to find that tonight!!!
Egg on left us her 2nd, left was a double yolk.

To my surprise we also come across double yolk eggs....& we had 3 of them recently. It comes from a new layer hen. To be honest, this is the first time in our life seeing a double yolk egg... To us it was a miracle things as we've been eating eggs for such a long time & never ever saw even a single double yolk egg before. In terms of the size, our's is like any other normal eggs. We prefer it to be 1/2 boiled. Here are the pics...

Double yolkers can be a sigh that the chicken has a  very large fat pad.

I got one about a week ago and i ateit before i took a picture. Lol

I have also been getting double yolk eggs but only from my bluebelle and not the other two. I have noticed though that 'Blue' tends to be much greedier than the others and so it makes sense that the amount they eat plays a part. She is also a bigger breed of bird. I'm worried though that there are ridges on the top of the egg. Does this mean that it has been more difficult for her to lay and therefore may cause her problems later?



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