Down to the last resort


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 13, 2015
Northeast, Ohio
Let me start off by saying that I've been having problems with one of my chickens for over six months now. My buff Orpington (Archer) has been pulling out feathers, chasing the others and just being mean. At first I thought it was winter boredom, but as the weather has gotten nicer Archer is still being mean. I've enlarged their coop& run, and I'm going to enlarge their run by another 120 sq ft. So they have enough space, the weathers nice, they have enough food, water and sun.
I'm down to my last option which is taking her to a butcher.
I don't know what else to do, I love Archer but I can keep her around if she's terrorizing the others.

Please advise. Thanks
How old is she? How many chickens do you have and how much space? Is she aggressive to all the others or just certain individuals?
She's almost a year old.
I have five chickens, in their coop they have about 70 sq ft and for now their run is 45 sq ft (within the next week we're adding another 120sq ft.)
She's mean to my two RIR's.
Can you set up a chicken jail out of view of the others? If you can try tossing her in jail for a week or so and see if that improves her attitude. Maybe the others will be less likely to put up with the behavior.
Get pinless peepers for her. Put that in the search box and check it out. It keeps the bird from seeing straight ahead, so her pecks would miss the target. Some meanies have to wear them quite awhile till they repent. If they have relapses later, put them back on. Since she is so nasty, I hope you don't hatch any of her eggs. You don't want nastiness perpetuated.
Get pinless peepers for her. Put that in the search box and check it out. It keeps the bird from seeing straight ahead, so her pecks would miss the target. Some meanies have to wear them quite awhile till they repent. If they have relapses later, put them back on. Since she is so nasty, I hope you don't hatch any of her eggs. You don't want nastiness perpetuated.

X 2 - or remove her from your flock (process yourself or re-home with FULL disclosure as to why - her behavior may or may not continue with a change of flock)

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