Drained a Hen's Abdomen.. Rest in Peace, Olivia 11-5-10

I am so sorry to hear this. It must be dreadful waiting for the next shoe to drop. I hope that Olivia will be the last with this disease and the others will be a pleasant suprise.
Update on Olivia:
After we drained that last almost 400 cc from her abdomen, we waited. It felt like we could do much more, but the fluid quit flowing and we quit. A couple weeks ago, I picked her up and to my amazement, her abdomen had continued to get smaller and was almost back to its normal size! Guess her body absorbed or otherwise rid itself of that yucky green fluid on its own, but why now, after we drained her three other times and her abdomen quickly filled up again, even larger than before? I actually saw her running across the yard yesterday. Her eyes are bright, her energy is up and her color is good. No eggs, of course, and I'm sure her oviducts are full of solid stuff, but for now, she is much, much better. Here is a pic I took of her today with my new camera-isn't she just precious?

Yep, it is. Her two lookalike sisters have already passed on, first Kate from crop stasis, then recently, Tux, from what appeared to be a stroke-at least those were the symptoms. Olivia will be four years old in January-she hatched with Suede.

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