Can you get more pictures of it? Like some close-up ones?

Here it is. Does this look like gangrene, or drying skin? It's only on one side. Should I amputate this, even if the other side of the penis looks healthy?
Should I amputate the dried up stuff that's only on one side (the tissue on the other side looks healthy), or will that slough off?
Should I amputate the dried up stuff that's only on one side (the tissue on the other side looks healthy), or will that slough off?
I would take off anything that does not look healthy if he were mine. Then be sure to spray him good with the stuff I had mentioned and tuck the remainder back inside. Sorry I was gone all day and just saw your post. I pray all goes well. I feel if you do this and everything is sterilized things will go well for him.
I would take off anything that does not look healthy if he were mine. Then be sure to spray him good with the stuff I had mentioned and tuck the remainder back inside. Sorry I was gone all day and just saw your post. I pray all goes well. I feel if you do this and everything is sterilized things will go well for him.
We amputated the diseased tissue this evening. I was getting a little worried about the yellowish tissue, so I removed that as well. We rinsed the area with Veterycin before beginning. I wish we had had scissors. The scalpel was not as quick to use (though it was still very quick). I hope we did not hurt Bob, he quacked once during the procedure, but it sounded more like an annoyed or frightened quack rather than a pain quack. I could not spray Veterycin on the wound afterwards, though, because the penis retreated into the vent like tape into a tape measure. I am glad we used the Veterycin beforehand.
Afterwards, he seemed like a different duck. He stood up and flapped, and then began making bathing motions and acting very excited. I hope he does well after this, we shall see.
Here is what I cut off. In the second picture, you can see the yellowish discoloration. You don't think I cut too much off, do you?


For future reference, what are you supposed to do with amputated tissue? I flushed this down the toilet.
This morning, Alligator Bob seems very perky and active. I checked his vent, the prolapse has receded completely, and there is no swelling or inflammation around the vent. He seems to be eating more, too. He took his Clavamox very well. But he does seem to be going stir-crazy! We will still be keeping an eye on him, but we can probably let him outside to get some of his energy out today. To be honest, I was quite worried about him after the surgery. The operation itself wasn't that bad...but the aftermath of worrying that something might have gone wrong was awful!

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