I never had to use any drugs after my ducks amputation and he was just fine.

I was worried about cortisone affecting the immune system and possibly allowing it to get more infected. I think I would probably switch to an antibiotic cream instead.
I was using it because it looks like there is a bit of swelling going on (not terrible), but I can stop if you think it's unwise to use it at this point. (After all, the vet was not considering that amputation was a possibility). Should I continue with the Meloxicam?
I was using it because it looks like there is a bit of swelling going on (not terrible), but I can stop if you think it's unwise to use it at this point. (After all, the vet was not considering that amputation was a possibility). Should I continue with the Meloxicam?
If he were mine I would just keep an eye on it as the spray that I used on mine seemed to keep any infection from happening. I am not a Vet however but just want to share what worked for mine.
Bobbie is still a bit prolapsed, and seems uncomfortable and somewhat lethargic. However, there is no sign of any infection setting in, which is good. We gave him another Epsom salt bath.
I'm still not sure how much of his regular food he is eating. (All three house ducks seem to prefer to eat in the evening. I'm not sure why this is; they didn't usually have food in the coop at night.) At any rate, he enjoys cracked corn and lettuce, and we also give him Nutri-Drench (which he doesn't like). To get a little more sustenance in him, I made little sandwiches out of a lettuce leaf, with a dollop of honey inside. He devoured one, but unfortunately Magnolia grabbed the other and wolfed it down.
Should I continue to give Bobbie the Meloxicam? His official regimen ended yesterday. If we continue to give it, should we lower the dose at all?
Alligator Bob and his two companions are very lucky to be in the house. It was one degree Fahrenheit outside this morning, and the temperature has now risen to a balmy eleven!
Bobbie is still a bit prolapsed, and seems uncomfortable and somewhat lethargic. However, there is no sign of any infection setting in, which is good. We gave him another Epsom salt bath.
I'm still not sure how much of his regular food he is eating. (All three house ducks seem to prefer to eat in the evening. I'm not sure why this is; they didn't usually have food in the coop at night.) At any rate, he enjoys cracked corn and lettuce, and we also give him Nutri-Drench (which he doesn't like). To get a little more sustenance in him, I made little sandwiches out of a lettuce leaf, with a dollop of honey inside. He devoured one, but unfortunately Magnolia grabbed the other and wolfed it down.
Should I continue to give Bobbie the Meloxicam? His official regimen ended yesterday. If we continue to give it, should we lower the dose at all?
Alligator Bob and his two companions are very lucky to be in the house. It was one degree Fahrenheit outside this morning, and the temperature has now risen to a balmy eleven!
I hope someone can advise you about the medication. I have no experience in giving any of my ducks medicine as they have never had the need for it. I pray that Bob makes it. Good Luck and I hope someone responds that has experience with giving medicine to their duck.
I hope someone can advise you about the medication. I have no experience in giving any of my ducks medicine as they have never had the need for it. I pray that Bob makes it. Good Luck and I hope someone responds that has experience with giving medicine to their duck.
I pray that he gets better soon, as well. But I'm not terribly worried about him at this point. It doesn't look like any infection has set in. My main concern with the Meloxicam is to help him with discomfort and inflammation. We ended up giving him half the vet's recommended dose.
He ate a lot of broccoli today, which is a relief. Unlike some of our other ducks, who will eat anything and everything, Bob has always been rather picky. I had been trying to tempt his appetite with all sorts of different things, most of which he rejected. I don't really blame him for not wanting to eat when he doesn't feel well.
His lethargy is not severe, and he doesn't seem to be weak. He is still active and feisty, and will swim, fly, and move about freely. His posture when he is resting looks rather uncomfortable, though.
His prolapse looks a lot like this one: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/prolapsed-duck-phallus-need-help.1605272/page-5
You also advised this duck's owner on how to deal with it, and it turned out well. I'm glad you never had to medicate any of your ducks!
I pray that he gets better soon, as well. But I'm not terribly worried about him at this point. It doesn't look like any infection has set in. My main concern with the Meloxicam is to help him with discomfort and inflammation. We ended up giving him half the vet's recommended dose.
He ate a lot of broccoli today, which is a relief. Unlike some of our other ducks, who will eat anything and everything, Bob has always been rather picky. I had been trying to tempt his appetite with all sorts of different things, most of which he rejected. I don't really blame him for not wanting to eat when he doesn't feel well.
His lethargy is not severe, and he doesn't seem to be weak. He is still active and feisty, and will swim, fly, and move about freely. His posture when he is resting looks rather uncomfortable, though.
His prolapse looks a lot like this one: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/prolapsed-duck-phallus-need-help.1605272/page-5
You also advised this duck's owner on how to deal with it, and it turned out well. I'm glad you never had to medicate any of your ducks!
So happy to hear that he is eating more and is not weak. I pray that things stay well. I don't have a vet that will see ducks in my area and luckily mine other than that prolapse have stayed healthy. One did have a cut a while back on the top of its leg and was bleeding but I brought it inside to wash it off and sprayed it and it has been fine every since. I have been very fortunate.
Alligator Bob update: today, Bob is still slightly prolapsed. It still doesn't seem as if any infection is setting in yet, but there might be a little bit of drying going on. (Not surprising, what with the pellet stove going). To help with this, and to help stave off infection, we are applying triple antibiotic ointment to the area. He is also still on his Clavamox, I think the course ends tomorrow.
He was very eager to eat his lettuce today, and was trembling his neck with excitment when I fed him earlier. Aside from his discomfort, he seems perkier than he has been. I ground up some more broccoli stump for the three inmates, but they seemed suspicious of it. I had mixed in a couple of cubes of cooked squash, and they probably detected it ("Ew, orange bits!"). They are too picky! Hopefully, they will eat it later.
Alligator Bob update: today, Bob is still slightly prolapsed. It still doesn't seem as if any infection is setting in yet, but there might be a little bit of drying going on. (Not surprising, what with the pellet stove going). To help with this, and to help stave off infection, we are applying triple antibiotic ointment to the area. He is also still on his Clavamox, I think the course ends tomorrow.
He was very eager to eat his lettuce today, and was trembling his neck with excitment when I fed him earlier. Aside from his discomfort, he seems perkier than he has been. I ground up some more broccoli stump for the three inmates, but they seemed suspicious of it. I had mixed in a couple of cubes of cooked squash, and they probably detected it ("Ew, orange bits!"). They are too picky! Hopefully, they will eat it later.
My Ducks are soooooo picky. They will eat cucumbers, zuchinni, and some cabbage but their best treat is iceberg lettuce. I know it has no nutritional value and between the 15 of them each one does not get that much daily. They would never touch anything else! They won't even eat peas which some people say theirs loves. Mine are just plain fussy ducks when it comes to food. So glad to hear that Bob is eating well and seems to be getting better I hope and pray.
My Ducks are soooooo picky. They will eat cucumbers, zuchinni, and some cabbage but their best treat is iceberg lettuce. I know it has no nutritional value and between the 15 of them each one does not get that much daily. They would never touch anything else! They won't even eat peas which some people say theirs loves. Mine are just plain fussy ducks when it comes to food. So glad to hear that Bob is eating well and seems to be getting better I hope and pray.
I had half thought of picking up some peas for Bob, but then figured he wouldn't like them.
I tried zucchini the other day and Bobbie and Magnolia devoured it until both simultaneously came to the conclusion that they didn't like it. They like cucumber, especially our beautiful Cayuga, Flora. None of the ducks like bread, the archetypical "duck food" (I suppose it's only good enough for wild mallards and feral Pekins), but the chickens do. Lettuce is definitely the favorite, though.
I am beginning to see some yellowish drying stuff on Bob's "stump". I hope it is just drying out, and not more infection. He is on antibiotics, both oral and topical, after all!
Bobbie was vibrating violently when we took him out to treat him this evening. He and his companions wanted to go out today—all three heads started bouncing up and down when they heard boots on the porch outside. If they had been let out they probably would have regretted it...it was very cold.

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