Unfortunately, I think that there still is some infection going on. The tip looks a lot crustier and more yellow today, and above that there is another "turn" of the "corkscrew" that has prolapsed and is swollen! It looks horrible (but not as horrible as some other cases I've seen on here) but is not discolored.
Should I try to amputate as is or wait until the tip becomes more necrotic? We are planning on starting Bob on Baytril now—it sometimes works where Clavamox fails. (Besides, it's so much easier to administer!) Could we try the Baytril for a little while before amputating. I am willing to operate if need be, but I would rather not have to cut Bob up any more.
The weather was warmer today, so my sisters brought Bobbie and his companions outside (I was at work). All three had a great time. Bobbie was apparently quite lively. When one of my sisters went to pick Magnolia up, he started making those snuffling/wheezing noises that drakes make in moments of excitement (such as when Magnolia is in DANGER!).
On another note, the chopped broccoli mixture was eventually eaten last night.
Unfortunately, I think that there still is some infection going on. The tip looks a lot crustier and more yellow today, and above that there is another "turn" of the "corkscrew" that has prolapsed and is swollen! It looks horrible (but not as horrible as some other cases I've seen on here) but is not discolored.
Should I try to amputate as is or wait until the tip becomes more necrotic? We are planning on starting Bob on Baytril now—it sometimes works where Clavamox fails. (Besides, it's so much easier to administer!) Could we try the Baytril for a little while before amputating. I am willing to operate if need be, but I would rather not have to cut Bob up any more.
The weather was warmer today, so my sisters brought Bobbie and his companions outside (I was at work). All three had a great time. Bobbie was apparently quite lively. When one of my sisters went to pick Magnolia up, he started making those snuffling/wheezing noises that drakes make in moments of excitement (such as when Magnolia is in DANGER!).
On another note, the chopped broccoli mixture was eventually eaten last night.
If I would have seen any more problems with my Call Duck I was ready to cut it off. Using scissors that were really sharp and sterilized made it pretty easy to do. Their penis is quite long and it may look like you are taking a lot off but it really is not. I just made the cut and sprayed the whole area and tucked the rest inside and it stayed there. You do what you feel is best for Bob as I am no vet but that is what worked so well for me. He is in my prayers. I pray that whatever you decide works out for him.
If I would have seen any more problems with my Call Duck I was ready to cut it off. Using scissors that were really sharp and sterilized made it pretty easy to do. Their penis is quite long and it may look like you are taking a lot off but it really is not. I just made the cut and sprayed the whole area and tucked the rest inside and it stayed there. You do what you feel is best for Bob as I am no vet but that is what worked so well for me. He is in my prayers. I pray that whatever you decide works out for him.
I will certainly keep an eye on him, and will try to get a picture tomorrow. We're planning to start the Baytril tomorrow, and if the infection looks like it gets worse, I can amputate. But I would prefer to amputate if the tissue seemed more dead, rather than cause suffering by removing tissue that could heal.
By the way, and in case we have to go that route, what kind of scissors did you use? Did they have to be any kind in particular as long as they were sterile and sharp? I threw away the scalpel that was used for the last operation. It was a cheap one that came with a microscope kit, sterile but not very sturdy and I figured it wouldn't be easy to sterilize it again. Scissors would probably be easier to use.
Is swelling a good sign? The tissue at the top of the penis is quite swollen. Is that a sign that the body is trying to fight off an infection? Though the swelling is much worse than it was at first, Bobbie seems to be feeling better than he was then.
I will certainly keep an eye on him, and will try to get a picture tomorrow. We're planning to start the Baytril tomorrow, and if the infection looks like it gets worse, I can amputate. But I would prefer to amputate if the tissue seemed more dead, rather than cause suffering by removing tissue that could heal.
By the way, and in case we have to go that route, what kind of scissors did you use? Did they have to be any kind in particular as long as they were sterile and sharp? I threw away the scalpel that was used for the last operation. It was a cheap one that came with a microscope kit, sterile but not very sturdy and I figured it wouldn't be easy to sterilize it again. Scissors would probably be easier to use.
Is swelling a good sign? The tissue at the top of the penis is quite swollen. Is that a sign that the body is trying to fight off an infection? Though the swelling is much worse than it was at first, Bobbie seems to be feeling better than he was then.
My Scissors was just a new pair that I had that were strong and sturdy. I put rubbing alcohol all over the blades and it was pretty easy to amputate. My Duck had no swelling at all afterwards and I was able to just snip, spray and tuck it away and it stayed and was fine. There was a couple of drops of blood but it didn't hurt anything and he acted like nothing was ever done to him. They tell you to isolate them and keep them away from the girls but it was not mating season and he at the time had no interest in them so I just put him back with everyone as he seemed perfectly normal. Good luck with your decision and I pray that Bob gets better soon.
My Scissors was just a new pair that I had that were strong and sturdy. I put rubbing alcohol all over the blades and it was pretty easy to amputate. My Duck had no swelling at all afterwards and I was able to just snip, spray and tuck it away and it stayed and was fine. There was a couple of drops of blood but it didn't hurt anything and he acted like nothing was ever done to him. They tell you to isolate them and keep them away from the girls but it was not mating season and he at the time had no interest in them so I just put him back with everyone as he seemed perfectly normal. Good luck with your decision and I pray that Bob gets better soon.
I'm glad to hear that you can use regular scissors. There's an old pair among the poultry medical supplies that can probably be sharpened and sterilized.
Poor Bob's prolapse looks horrible. The yellowish stuff I mentioned yesterday seems to be only on the outside, the tissue actually looks healthy, aside from its being so swollen.
Fortunately, and somewhat surprisingly, it looks like Bobbie is in much better spirits than he had been for some time! He ate hungrily this morning, and is back to eating normal feed. He was also very happy to be outside today, and was doing a lot of flying.
Unfortunately, he had to be separated from Nelson and Magnolia. He was started on his Baytril treatment today, and we didn't want the healthy ducks to be drinking (or spilling!) the antibiotic water. Bobbie was very lonely and seemed quite depressed when I checked on him later. We removed the Baytril water for the night, and brought the other two back in for an overnight visit. All three of them were delighted.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement in all of this! It's good to be able to have some idea of what to do.
I'm glad to hear that you can use regular scissors. There's an old pair among the poultry medical supplies that can probably be sharpened and sterilized.
Poor Bob's prolapse looks horrible. The yellowish stuff I mentioned yesterday seems to be only on the outside, the tissue actually looks healthy, aside from its being so swollen.
Fortunately, and somewhat surprisingly, it looks like Bobbie is in much better spirits than he had been for some time! He ate hungrily this morning, and is back to eating normal feed. He was also very happy to be outside today, and was doing a lot of flying.
Unfortunately, he had to be separated from Nelson and Magnolia. He was started on his Baytril treatment today, and we didn't want the healthy ducks to be drinking (or spilling!) the antibiotic water. Bobbie was very lonely and seemed quite depressed when I checked on him later. We removed the Baytril water for the night, and brought the other two back in for an overnight visit. All three of them were delighted.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement in all of this! It's good to be able to have some idea of what to do.
You are most welcome. I am glad to hear that his eating has improved so that proves what you have done is in the right direction. Lots of people have had to cut off a few times so don't get discouraged or think it will kill him if you do. Like I said, it is quite long and the only thing that might happen is he might not be able to mate. For me if my little Call Duck cannot that is no problem at all. Good luck with your decision and thanks for the update.
Poor Bob's prolapse looks horrible. The yellowish stuff I mentioned yesterday seems to be only on the outside, the tissue actually looks healthy, aside from its being so swollen.
Any chance the yellow is just some sort of scabbing and will clear up, given time?

Sending hugs for you and Bob! :hugs :hugs
Any chance the yellow is just some sort of scabbing and will clear up, given time?

Sending hugs for you and Bob! :hugs :hugs
Myself with the swelling I would think it is infection. You can play the waiting game and see what happens but I have a feeling it is going to need to come off. Time will tell and I could be wrong and hopefully I am.
There seems to be more yellowish stuff today. I took some pictures, and will post them, but they haven't ported over yet. The swelling looks a little less inflamed.
I am prepared to remove more tomorrow if need be. (If so, where should I cut it? Where the yellow material ends?) While Bobbie doesn't seem to be sore most of the time, it seems as if applying ointment is painful for him.
On the other hand, his appetite is still good. He ate some mealworms eagerly today, and was happy and active outside. Magnolia and Nelson are inside with him, to keep him calm, but in a different brooder, so that they won't drink the Baytril water.
Today, after we had the birds out, we were picking Bobbie and the other two up to bring them back inside. Suddenly, Catriona, our bossy Khaki Campbell, charged at us, bowing and chuckling with fury. She had been missing the three ducks during their stay indoors, and was evidently trying to rescue them. Her plans were foiled, and as we walked away, we could hear her bellowing her disappointment in stentorian quacks of rage. A little while later, she was still going! Poor Cat.
Here is a picture. (The brown at the top of the prolapse is not infected tissue, just output. It rinsed off when I sprayed the area with Veterycin.) The yellowish tissue is toward the bottom. Other than that, the tissue looks healthy.


A more pleasant picture. Bobbie eating.

Magnolia being a lap-duck.

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