d'Uccle color genetics

Thank you for the compliment about the lavender, he really does look much better than that. I like your golden neck, particularly the pattern. My guy has almost completely blown his tail. He's molting and doesn't look so good. He was getting his adult tail in and promptly began to loose it.

You can see a bit of wattle on him also. I wonder if some of that could be because of the light color of the the golden feathers, lavender, etc.? On the MF the darker, richer colors, plus fuller beards may help to cover up the small wattles also.
Sorry, mix.........or might as well be. I'm sure she's a sweet little bird that is worthy of being loved, and I'm not trying to take any of that away from her, but you got to be ready to hear the answer if you ask the question.
I think the genetics of the darker birds is just stronger on the non-wattle. Like they are just closer to the original perfection that those Belgian gentleman bred for a hundred years ago.

I love how my golden boy has turned out, though, despite the wattle. His saddle is a rich, dark gold that is very striking. I'll get better pics of him when he gets home.
He does have a bit of blue smut on his tail feathers, but that's accepted for his variety.
Here is a picture of the MF cockeral and golden neck pullet from a few pages back discussing the black blue splash and the parents of them.
This past weekend my daughter showed them at the local fair. They each took 3rd in the Hen and Rooster classes as the is no pullet /Cockeral classes. There were 15 other pairs at the fair.

Hi hun, I'm not an expert breeder by any means, but most Lavender roos have a tendancy to lack more in beard (thus showing a bit more wattle) than say a MF roo would. That's something I've been working on in my own lavy boys for a couple years now. Also if you notice, some (not all) porc boys seem to be lacking in this same area. I raise both colors, and I also have golden necks, MF and several 'project' pens with silver, lav mottled, black and other colors without *exacting definitions*...none of them seem to have issues w/beards and/or wattles as do the lavenders. I posted on the other d'uccle thread today, but think I'll continue with adding promised pics, to THIS thread if the rest of you dont mind me jumping abord
Either way, IMHO it's something that us breeders need to be working on together in order to continue to preserve the purity & quality of the lavs. Think I'll go throw on the camo and
now B4 I get

PS. Sorry to intrude or bust in on the thread...

<---- still in camo!

OH, PLEASE!!!!! I'm so glad you're here!! It's great to have new contributors to the thread. We've lost some/one unfortunately that were/was very valuable, and I personally am always looking for folks to bounce things off of. I really love these birds, but I'd like to take them seriously and as I'm sure you know, there are a lot of folks that just want to tell pet stories about them. Of course that is fine and understandable since they make great pets, but that isn't what I wanted to do with this thread. I really appreaciate your feedback about my guy. I was feeling so discouraged about him, I was almost ready to take him to the swap our poultry club is holding this weekend.
Actually I've got a terrible picture of him, taken at night, but you can see the wattles I'm talking about in the picture.
The only bad thing about this is, you can't see the GOOD reasons why I want to keep him.


I see several nice attributes in your lavy boy that I wouldnt mind seeing in a few more of mine, so
to you. How old is this guy and do you have other pics? BTW, thank you to everyone for comments on the blacks...I failed to get pics of the other 'black' girl...hoping tomorrow will permit more time for her, my goldens and of course "Cassanooooova" the multi colored BLACK roo. He's a neat guy and if I could find out EXACTALLY what color he was, then I would (possibly) like to reproduce it. He's mottled but also 'laced', IF that makes any sense at all
HeeHee, either way, I like your roo...waiting for more candids
Sorry, mix.........or might as well be. I'm sure she's a sweet little bird that is worthy of being loved, and I'm not trying to take any of that away from her, but you got to be ready to hear the answer if you ask the question.

um...why sorry?
I was asking a simple curiosity question about a chicken that was sold to me as a 'I don't know what the funky little chicken is' for 2$ about 6 weeks ago
I knew she was majorily d'uccle when I bought her, but as she's filled out I was only curious as to if she was a mutt breed or a mutt color seeing as I recall having seen a d'uccle or two on BYC with similar coloring in the past before I got her, and she resembles bodily the d'uccles I've seen in pics and in person. So you in no way have even come close to denting my feelings
just assuaging my curiosity a bit
Thanks for the reply.
Sorry, mix.........or might as well be. I'm sure she's a sweet little bird that is worthy of being loved, and I'm not trying to take any of that away from her, but you got to be ready to hear the answer if you ask the question.

um...why sorry?
I was asking a simple curiosity question about a chicken that was sold to me as a 'I don't know what the funky little chicken is' for 2$ about 6 weeks ago
I knew she was majorily d'uccle when I bought her, but as she's filled out I was only curious as to if she was a mutt breed or a mutt color seeing as I recall having seen a d'uccle or two on BYC with similar coloring in the past before I got her, and she resembles bodily the d'uccles I've seen in pics and in person. So you in no way have even come close to denting my feelings
just assuaging my curiosity a bit
Thanks for the reply.

Whew................really that's a relief. Believe it or not, it is really difficult for me to give hard or unpleasant feedback about a bird, and I worry that I'll hurt someones feelings and they'll leave the group because of it. This particular thread is intended to be a bit on the tough side. I think we all try to be kind in the way we say things, but our real goal is to better the breed, or if someone is working on a project, to get help with that, so I don't think this is the place for the weak of heart.
(glad that you're not)

I thought it was interesting about your little hen, I actually think her color is more true of a brown-red hen color (someone posted that before) but I don't really see her as being particularly typical of most d'Uccle as far as type is concerned. She does have the beard and muff, but that's where the similarity ends for me. I think she looks a bit more along the lines of an OEGB. Maybe that's the cross.
The pen I've got this pair in is terrible for taking pictures, but I'll try to get some that are better tomorrow. They may have the chicken wire in the way.......which I HATE!!, but that's the problem with the pen, it's short and I can't get in there with them. I'll do what I can.
Oh, he was born April 7th, 5 mo old.
Ok, now, I have tried to read through a lot of the posts, as well as look it up on the search bar, so here is my question (I couldn't find the answer):

I have two D'Uccle pullets that are white with buff lacing around the upper part of the body. The tails are pure white. They are not Columbian-patterned. They were supposed to be porcelains or lavenders from a hatchery. I want more! They are gorgeous!

I have one lavender D'Uccle rooster from a hatchery.

If I breed these birds, from what I have been reading, I think that the results will be unpredictable because of the white, correct? But what about the fact that they were supposed to be porcelain or lavender?

Bottom line: if you cross lavender with white/buff = ?
if you cross lavender with porcelain = ?

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