D'uccle Thread

Hi I have a D'uccle flock with a pair of blue mottled, two porcelain hens, a millie hen, and a self blue mottled rooster.  I am rather new to D'uccles and I am wondering if anybody can give me advise on how to raise chicks.  I can hatch the millies just fine but porcelains are a different story.  I have only hatched about ten porcelains and all of them died.  I tried broodies, electrolyte and probiotic water, medicated chick starter mixed with flock raiser but still no luck.  Any advice is appreciated.  Thank you.  

The only thing I could recommend is to assess the health of the hen that lays the porcelain... is she getting enough nutrients to put into the eggs, are her eggs oddly shaped.. when they hatch do you leave them in the incubator a while? When I was hatching porcelain and milles last year I would have to take them out to fluff up under a heat light, not sure if it helped but I would lose less this way I also had to put b vitamins drops on their water supply. When I combined these two strategy for my d'uccle hatches I went from 1/6 thriving to 5/6 thriving =) best of luck with your next hatch. Also I would have to brood separately from anything except same age bantams, they get under bigger chicks and get trampled so easily =/
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Thank you. I hope it will help too. Do you need to keep them in the incubator or can I pull them out three days early and put them into my hatching brooder?
I have one duccle pullet, and tried to incubate her eggs, two hatched, but one hatched on day 27 and died pretty quickly; it was a pure duccle. The other hatched on time, and hatched BLACK so that makes me think that my white Cochin bantam must have been the daddy... It's 3 weeks now, and there is not color or comb change- which means female for a duccle, but it being a Cochin mix... I really have no idea. Praying for a little pullet though!
Thank you! I have a hatch going right now with 11 D'uccle eggs. One millie and seven porcelains right now!! I am so excited to see what the last three will be.
Thank you! I have a hatch going right now with 11 D'uccle eggs. One millie and seven porcelains right now!! I am so excited to see what the last three will be.
When you get around to it, pics would be greatly appreciated
I have been looking for some nice golden necks, porcelains, and mille fleur. Is there anyone on this thread that sells hatching eggs?
I have porcelains, millies, and I think I can get some blue mottled. I just picked up two gold necked D'uccle eggs from a lady this weekend. I am going to buy more from her too.

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