D'uccle Thread

So, last year I took my old Sophie (d'uccle) and Lily (Booted) to the fair. On the sign up sheet I wrote their breeds, then they had the tags on the pens that had the stuff I put on the sheet. The judge disqualified Lily because she didn't have muffs or a beard. I told her, "Exactly, that is why she is a booted bantam and not a d'Uccle. Well, then the judge spent about 20 minutes looking through her APA and ABA books to realize that I was right. Bam, 2nd best bantam and Sophie took 1st, both blues. Bam. Same year I took Charlie and Dan the naked necks. I let my brother show Dan because he was the better bird. Well, turns out the judge knows nothing about Naked Necks, but likes red chickens, so she picked Charlie as the Champion Open Class bird. Wha? Dan was way better looking, and much better shape, but oh well. She also told me that my Cochin was part Silkie. Wha? Sorry to kind of go off like that. Wha?
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im guessing that was a 4-h fair were the judges there really dont know a thing...time to educate the judges...stuff like that is so frustrating...what made the one think that the cochin was a silkie mix, last time i checked she would of had to have the silkie comb, 5 toes, at least a small crest, and black skin (given that shes a first gen lol)
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So, last year I took my old Sophie (d'uccle) and Lily (Booted) to the fair. On the sign up sheet I wrote their breeds, then they had the tags on the pens that had the stuff I put on the sheet. The judge disqualified Lily because she didn't have muffs or a beard. I told her, "Exactly, that is why she is a booted bantam and not a d'Uccle. Well, then the judge spent about 20 minutes looking through her APA and ABA books to realize that I was right. Bam, 2nd best bantam and Sophie took 1st, both blues. Bam. Same year I took Charlie and Dan the naked necks. I let my brother show Dan because he was the better bird. Well, turns out the judge knows nothing about Naked Necks, but likes red chickens, so she picked Charlie as the Champion Open Class bird. Wha? Dan was way better looking, and much better shape, but oh well. She also told me that my Cochin was part Silkie. Wha? Sorry to kind of go off like that. Wha?
That would anger me if I showed a bird and the judge didn't know what they were doing. The judge that came to the FL State Fair was from TN and he pointed out my hen had a pinched in tail. I had no clue, I was so focused on feet feathers and colors. He also said her eye color was wrong? But my rooster did win first place and that's all that mattered. The $10 check in the mail was so worth it LOL.
Yeah, Sophie and Lily together got me 30 dollars so that was nice.

Apparently my cochin's feathers were, quote, "Too soft".
What I hate most is that that judge thought she was a genius! Same judge that told me I wasn't pronouncing d'Uccle right. She had some crazy pronunciation, I think it was like dee-ucklee, or duh-ewwwwwwwcle, or dee-cle or something like that. I told her it was dew-clay, but she didn't believe me.

if you click on the Dutch pronunciation you can hear "oooh - cull."

So I call them my "duh- oooh- culls."

ALrigth so its time to choose a couple roos to get rid of and 1 tough choice is which Mille Fleur to get rid of:( Help me out here. Im pretty sure the dark headed one is the one to go but I just want 2nd opinions to be sure.

Or this guy...both pics are just dif angles of the same one

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