D'uccle Thread

My roo got grand champion at fair. I was going to breed him but my hen has a busted beak and her comb suffered some frostbite.
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A bit of understanding here please- the pullet was the friendliest ever when the males were in with her. I think she was more or less getting away from them by coming to us. Removed the males a week ago and now she doesn't even come to us! What is going on with that?!? She has a companion female silkie that has always been in with them and she can see the boys in their pen beside her.
A bit of understanding here please- the pullet was the friendliest ever when the males were in with her. I think she was more or less getting away from them by coming to us. Removed the males a week ago and now she doesn't even come to us! What is going on with that?!? She has a companion female silkie that has always been in with them and she can see the boys in their pen beside her.

Doesn't make sense does it? I had some hens that were laying great but the roosters were giving them really really bare backs. The roosters were also terribly mean so I got them butchered. Then they stopped laying. I know they will quit laying with change, but that should of made them lay more removing the stress. They also became more "mean" and I have two that want to try and act like the roosters lol.

She must of jut been using you as her safe haven
No sense at all since like you I removed the boys due to her head being plucked bare in spots. A week after removing the males the silkie female in with the MFBDs was crowing! I know she is a she because of the eggs and the beautiful cross chick. I couldn't believe I heard a crow from in front of me when the boys were behind me! Sure enough she crowed 3 more times in response to the boy's crow. Crazy...and yes, I figured the same on eggs too. Was going to collect for incubating but no eggs at all since separating the guys:-(
I've had a few girls do that- it is dead stop- what?? LOL!

this boy is starting to settle down, still unsure if you reach for him, but he was 'helping' me clean today..LOL! The second pic is the first D'uccle i had, Nimi- she was a sweet girl and very independant! you couldn't reach down and pick her up, but if you bent down to do something, she was on your shoulder in a flash


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