D'uccle Thread

Babies are so much fun to watch, especially once they realize "outside" is kewl and they flap around and act silly...to sweet

Doug, sounds/looks like your coming along very well. Love the color on some of the youngsters...I had a couple turn out just like yours w/lav breeding. I'm finding more and more that lav's are a "missing link" regarding some of the "known/listed" more rare colors. It's very interesting how the gene works

todays the 3rd day out and they dont even need a heat lamp with how hot it is outside
heat index here is 79...feels hotter than that though. i'm not used to the warmness in dec. but last few years its been warmer in the winter and in the spring colder than norm (we have gotten snow in april which snow here in louisiana is rare but in april what in the world is going on with the weather). anyways they like going outside now running around scratching and chasing the few bugs that are still around, cant let them free range outside yet the cats would love to eat them up
if i did that.
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I would love to have put my house pets outside today but it was windy and a cool 60 degrees. They would have had a blast though!

I bet yours are loving it! It is great that you had the opportunity to get them outside some this winter.
My older ones do live in a tractor but spend a lot of time in the townhouse. They have had a fun time trashing the inside.
I love to let mine free-range as much as possible.

Gypsy-your roosters are HANDSOME! I am still trying to figure out what color they are...glad you are into the genetics....come up with a new color and I will try and help you make it a recognized color.

BTW....Lori, when is the website going to be updated, I have seen so many good websites on specific chicken and rabbit breeds, but honestly the d'uccle website is lacking. It would certainly create more interest in the breed if there was a nice, fun website available for the public to see. Please ask Karl. If there is any way I can help, let me know!
He was supposed to send me the info on it all, but has been tied up with church and chickens. I am dying to do more with it, but can't until he's ready to send me the 'goods' on logging on and such.
My d'Uccles .... Cuties!!!!!
Here's three of them and if you look close the pullet is getting her white in!

Crazy little Chicks!

I like the form of the one on the left..hope his coloring is good and also he's the one that trys to crow(LOUDLY)...
my mom likes the mille pattern on the d'uccle lol. can everyone post what colors they have please since i am looking for more breeders and if possible what lines they are from. thank you everyone.
Oh yay the grandbabies are growing up!!!

I just set 18 in the incubator and let my broody hen have 4 eggs. I guess she wants to try and be the first chicken mama in my yard for 2012. Don't know how good they'll do with it being freezing cold on one day, and rainy on the next!
Thanks Nathan, they are interesting anyway

Here are the pics I promised to post when they were younger...You can see the feet alot better, and also see how they have matured/developed color-wise. Sorry it took me a bit to find them and post.

Red boy (see all his blue) Now @ 9mos

"Calico" boy Also 9mos
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