D'uccle Thread

Is 8 weeks old too old to do that? I'll read about it and see if we could make that work. That toe seems totally smashed and turned under, though. It almost seems that trying to undo that would really hurt it.
you should be able to since they are still growing
Dsfrango and Gomes, they are beautiful! Dsfrango, can you post a pic of your mystery colored one as a chick? I think you posted it before, but I have no idea what page that was on......Also, how old are the ones in the pictures you just posted?
has anyone ever had a lavender breed with a golden neck?? i thought about putting my golden neck in with the lavender for about 2.5 months after she starts laying to see what i get out of them and then putting her back in with her man (my golden neck cockerel)
Dsfrango and Gomes, they are beautiful! Dsfrango, can you post a pic of your mystery colored one as a chick? I think you posted it before, but I have no idea what page that was on......Also, how old are the ones in the pictures you just posted?
Thank you, the pics are in my album but here she is when she was younger....I dont have any pics of her younger than this though. They all must be about 4 months old now
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Is 8 weeks old too old to do that? I'll read about it and see if we could make that work. That toe seems totally smashed and turned under, though. It almost seems that trying to undo that would really hurt it.
It will really hurt it. After that many weeks of putting weight on it, it will be like breaking a bone to reset it, if that makes sense. It might work, but it never did for me.

Sorry ((hugs))
What the heck is the patterning behind Butterscotch? I'm still slightly confused about that one, it looks like an unmottled, Dominant-white version of Porcelain that just pops up sporatically. Sometimes there is some lavender shading on them, so I think the gene is involved. Maybe it combines weirdly with cream. I have no idea at all. I got one out of my MF / GN pair. It's so weird. Gorgeous color though.

Darn it, someone beat me to the lemon blues!
What the heck is the patterning behind Butterscotch? I'm still slightly confused about that one, it looks like an unmottled, Dominant-white version of Porcelain that just pops up sporatically. Sometimes there is some lavender shading on them, so I think the gene is involved. Maybe it combines weirdly with cream. I have no idea at all. I got one out of my MF / GN pair. It's so weird. Gorgeous color though.

Darn it, someone beat me to the lemon blues!
Pic please:)
this is a lemon (citron)...how would you get this coloring??

and i also like this one (france) Mahogany Mille Fleur


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