Duck Eggtopsy - Warning, Lots of Graphic Pictures!

Still a loss though? I would assume so, since I don't see a pip. One of mine last year almost got shrink wrapped, she had pipped but the membrane was drying out. She was the last to hatch under my broody. I noticed, luckily, and was able to moisten the membrane, help her tear it a little, and set her back out for encouragement from mama and her siblings. She's always been small, but other than that she's perfectly healthy today
Still a loss though? I would assume so, since I don't see a pip. One of mine last year almost got shrink wrapped, she had pipped but the membrane was drying out. She was the last to hatch under my broody. I noticed, luckily, and was able to moisten the membrane, help her tear it a little, and set her back out for encouragement from mama and her siblings. She's always been small, but other than that she's perfectly healthy today
Yes, still a loss. It's head was down well below the air cell and it couldn't pip. Had a couple like your's I was able to help,

Yes, still a loss. It's head was down well below the air cell and it couldn't pip. Had a couple like your's I was able to help,

I was so new to chickens I'm sometimes amazed mine survived. Her air cell was on the diagonal a bit actually, and was just overall not a perfect hatch.
Kathy any chance it's neck will straighten out? there is a member with a WH duck that was born with a crooked neck just wondering if there is anything that can be done.
I tried to straighten it out with the neck brace, but that kept it from being able to eat, and even worse, it put pressure on the crop which caused the food and water to come back up the esophagus. This is the only time I have seen this in my flock, bit if I had to guess, I'd say the chance of fixing a crook neck caused by a malpo is slim.

Here is a thread that has my Crookie and Shay1Bear's "Right Turn".

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