My duckies are called pip, puddles,petunia,Sandy,Jeff,Jeff jr (one of Jeff and sandys duckling 🥰), Carl,clive ,Mike, Mitchel😂 and ocean! I know they are kinda weird but I love human names as they are so funny 😂😂😂
I tend to go towards human names too! My dogs names are Penny and Lola
Mine have a theme: food/drinks
  • Clementine
  • Figgy
  • Marmalade
  • Peanut
  • Julep
  • Apple
  • Cheddar
And then I adopted one who already had a name: Hookbill Jill.
I love these! Especially Clementine!
I did a theme with mine
My drake is captain jack
Girls are
Emerald , pearl , Diamond , treasure , chest , and s’mores
My First duck ( pekin ) is daisy Mae
I did incubate twins and unfortunately they didn’t make it after getting all the way to hatch but I did name them
Blizzard , ice , river and rain the mom and dad are Swedish and they are stormy and Smokey
Good luck with the babies
I did a theme with mine
My drake is captain jack
Girls are
Emerald , pearl , Diamond , treasure , chest , and s’mores
My First duck ( pekin ) is daisy Mae
I did incubate twins and unfortunately they didn’t make it after getting all the way to hatch but I did name them
Blizzard , ice , river and rain the mom and dad are Swedish and they are stormy and Smokey
Good luck with the babies
Great names :)
I like the theme idea. I usually do that with my chickens (Click and Clack, Sparkles and Duchess, Trigger and Nutsy) or else I name them after a physical trait (Blinky and Mama Toe). It depends on breed and which hatch they came from. My last hatch came from Duchess so the first chick was named Lilibet but then the other two I just gave names I had wanted to use but hadn't found a good reason (Pepita and Attila the Hen). Personality is always useful when picking a name so you might want to wait until they are a little older and see what fits them
My all time favorite duck has been Puddles! She was just special. I've had Penny, Tuppins, Polly, Poppy, Mable, Dolly, Peep, Dixie, Ellie, Olive, and Rosie. I'm hoping to add 4 more in the spring and they will be Penny (the 2nd) Flora, Molly, and Marigold.
I have somewhat gone for names inspired by where the breed originated, but I don't necessarily stick with a these exclusively. I also like old fashioned or flower names, but I think I might have to start going with more food! 🤣

Our WH drake we lost was named Rhys, which is a name for a Welsh king, and then Jemima is named for Jemima puddle duck. There are a LOT of great names in Beatrix Potter! The other two girls are Bianca (with the lightest head / neck), and Tawny (with the medium colored head / neck), but I would change hers if something that better suited her personality came to mind. Mostly I just lump them together as a team, so using color-based names made sense.

For my Australorp chicks, I looked at a map of Australia and was inspired by some Aussie place names (or sayings); my Welsummers are pretty much a mix of flowers and old fashioned...

So I am thinking if I had Pekins, I would look at a map of China and / or just go super basic like Chinese food names. 🤦 Is that awful??? General Tso for a drake(!!!), Chopsticks, Egg roll, Dumpling, Noodle, Egg drop soup, Duck sauce, Ginger, Mirin, Shanghai... I feel like the possibilities are endless tho! 😅 I know it's not Chinese but I also really like Miso and Kim-chee for duck names hahha (I can't get the hiding under a chair emoji to work) please don't hate me, clearly I just love all the Asian cultures! 👍👍

Anywho - FX we are hatch buddies!!! I just set six duck eggs yesterday as well, but I have no idea if they are actually fertile, since we lost our drake. It's a real longshot, but I would be so happy if something were to grow! GL to you! Ain't a whole lot cuter in this big ole world than newborn baby ducklings. 😍
I just gave names I had wanted to use but hadn't found a good reason (Pepita and Attila the Hen).
When she was (much) younger, my daughter got a stuffed floppy bunny for Christmas. She loved that thing. When asked what it's name was, she thought for a moment. "Uuhh, Tilla!" Which of course I then referred to as Tilla the Bun!

Now, twenty five years later, I raise rabbits and have one that went against my naming conventions for the rabbits (all music themed) and is named Tilla the Bun in honour of that stuffed bunny.

So I got a kick out of your Atilla the Hen! :D

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