Duck Pond/pool pictures

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I used schedule 40 plumbing parts. I believe my tank was 3/4". It took a 3/4" male pipe thread, slip coupler to thread in, then I glued a 6" piece of 3/4" pvc into the slip side of the fitting and put a 3/4" ball valve (slip x slip on both ends of valve) on the other end of the pvc so I can drain it.

Here is the fitting you will need, you will just need to verify the size.
looking forward to seeing more ideas and images..will upload some of my designs/pics too

! I would post pictures too, but I currently do not have ducks, and when I did, my two girls got an old kiddie pool for a 'pond'. Lol, they loved their kiddie pool
Love the pics on here. I'm new to owning ducks but so far so good. They love me and seem happy.

I'm not, however, sure what kind I have. I thought the tan one was going to be a Pekin. But she's not. The other I'm thinking Magpie?
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