~Ducks and friends Contest!~Hosted by The Duck Ladie~

Finally, with the help of a bowl of peas, I got a picture of them together. Quackers is the white duck way in the back, Adele is in the front, and Jesse and Josephine are the others. (I can't tell them apart in this pic!) Orien is the dog.

Finally, with the help of a bowl of peas, I got a picture of them together. Quackers is the white duck way in the back, Adele is in the front, and Jesse and Josephine are the others. (I can't tell them apart in this pic!) Orien is the dog.
Love it!
Male name: Diablo
Female name: Ash

Haven't had any babie

s yet, but in 2 weeks there should be some fertile eggs soon :)

Winnie and Olive investigating a fly together. Both my special needs children spending some quality time together

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