Duck's leg wobbling

I got a good look at Winona this afternoon and her legs are definitely still wobbling. They kind of jerk back and forth when she's standing still. I didn't see any leg problems with the other three.
Are you giving her 1 ml a day? Maybe go up on the dose with her. How long has she been like this? They will pee any of the liquid B the body doesn't need so you don't have to worry about over dose.
Are you giving her 1 ml a day? Maybe go up on the dose with her. How long has she been like this? They will pee any of the liquid B the body doesn't need so you don't have to worry about over dose.
Yes, 1 ml a day. What should I up the dose to? She's been like this for at least a month.
Before we up the dose tell us again what all your feeding including treats. And supplements. And how long she has been on the liquid B complex.
I'm feeding Kalmbach Flock Maker 20% crumbles (45mg/lb of niacin). They are on grass pasture. They have grit available and water bowl and pool access at all times. They rarely get treats, but when they do it's greens and dried mealworms. They have been on the liquid B complex since November 6th.
I'd keep her on the liquid B complex it may just take more time. I've never had a Muscovy female with shaky legs but when my big drakes are growing I have seen them with shaky legs Usually just adding some liquid B complex and Nutritional yeast helps them through it. You could give her 3-4days of 1 ml morn and 1 ml evening and see if it makes any difference. Just watch closely that she doesn't get tummy upset.
I'd keep her on the liquid B complex it may just take more time. I've never had a Muscovy female with shaky legs but when my big drakes are growing I have seen them with shaky legs Usually just adding some liquid B complex and Nutritional yeast helps them through it. You could give her 3-4days of 1 ml morn and 1 ml evening and see if it makes any difference. Just watch closely that she doesn't get tummy upset.
Okay, I can try that. Thanks! What should I do if she gets an upset tummy?
I'm wondering if something else is going on with Winona. I took her out of the coop this evening to give her the B complex and she started shivering/beak chattering. It's cold but not that cold (mid-30's). I'm really worried about her now...😢

I didn't see nasal discharge. Her feathers look like her oil gland is working and she has been preening. Anything else I should look for? It will be warmer later this week which will be good for both of us..
That doesn't sound normal especially if fully feathered and her feathers are pristine from preening.
How's her appetite? When I can tell one of mine isn't well or is having a struggle they go off their feed. Lay off by themselves and don't join in with the rest of the flock when they are all foraging.

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