Ducks of Our Lives... (Soap Opera)

Let me tell you a short story about Roxette. She is a Blue Swedish in my flock. When it is time for the ducks to get treats, there is always some competition and we try to give each duck a fair chance to get to the treats. If those treats are meal worms, that is very hard to do. Roxette can push through the entire crowd of ducks to be first at my hand no matter where I put it. Up front - Roxette, way back - Roxette, far left Roxette again, far right boom! she's there. She is so good at dodging through the other ducks that if I were to try to feed all the ducks by hand except her, she would get 80% of the meal worms. So now I have a new plan and she seems good with it. I can scoop her up with my right hand and set her on my right leg in the chair. I rest my right arm over her and cradle her like a football then I let her eat from the cup - 2 or 3 gulps. While she is chewing on them, I pass the cup around to 3 or 4 other ducks, then I let her have a gulp or 2, then 3 or 4 more ducks. She doesn't wiggle or struggle or act like she wants down as long as the cup comes back within 20 seconds or so. When the cup gets down to about 10%, I sprinkle the remaining worms on the ground then I let Roxette back down on the ground. This way she gets about 20% of the meal worms (she is only 8% of the ducks). This is still way more than her share, but at least the other ducks can get some without getting plowed over by a blue and white rocket.


OK, I didn't have any new pics of her (She molted just before winter and she got enough of her feathers that she stays warm, but not enough to look good
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Roxette's story is to funny. lol I have a female runner named Topper who is the same way. I always say she is a pig in a ducks body. Thank you for sharing that great story with us.
I'm glad you reposted it I have never seen it before. I'm still laughing I really enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing.
I am putting this on my reading list when school is done this summer..




Rick & Lauren sharing a salad..
The girl's in a basin..
Our hen marshmallow hanging with Loraine.. Lauren was like "photo bomb"
I am putting this on my reading list when school is done this summer..

Rick & Lauren sharing a salad..
The girl's in a basin..
Our hen marshmallow hanging with Loraine.. Lauren was like "photo bomb"

All great pics, but I REALLY like the first one and the last one.
Warning! Ducklings are preparing to come to this thread!!! I just ordered this Spring's addition to the flock. They will be:
Allie - Pekin
Casie - Khaki Campbell
Latte - Buff Orpington

I ordered them from Metzer for shipment on March 7 so they should start incubating next Monday

Hopefully they will arrive alive and healthy on March 9th or 10th.

I checked with AccuWeather and the long range forecast looks reasonable (hey its the best I can do) so now all I can do is hope for no sudden storms to come up.


I am putting this on my reading list when school is done this summer..

Rick & Lauren sharing a salad..
The girl's in a basin..
Our hen marshmallow hanging with Loraine.. Lauren was like "photo bomb"
Love the ducks and the chicken. That's cute 3 ducks in a tub. Thanks so much for sharing them with us.

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