Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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No I haven't but we don't eat fast food anymore haven't had a drive-thru anything in over 3 years now. Take it back did have fries that I was craving and spent the rest of the day in the restroom. Cured. Even restaurant food tastes different than home cooked not sure what they do to it but we don't do that much either. I don't trust that hands and foods are being washed as they should be won't even eat things brought to church for bake sales many have cats and most people allow their cats to walk on counters and tables, so I opt out.
Most restaurants add MSG a flavor enhancer that is where the weird taste comes from.
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LOL When I said they were ducks, not chickens, she replied,"oh, yeah, I guess you're right about that, I just had chickens on my mind"

OMG....I showed a lady who buys eggs from me my ducklings, and she said "What kind of chicken is THAT?!? What's wrong with their beak??"

Everyone has seen ducks before, right?
I've had similar.

"I think there's something wrong with that duck, someone get a zookeeper!"
"The duck is up-side-down. That's just it's butt, the rest is underwater"
...didn't believe me until the duck came back up.
LOL. That's fun. It reminds me of something another poster said that was along the lines of "Why don't the farmers just quit wasting their time and go buy their food from the grocery store like everyone else?" My husband and I laughed for days over that one.

That's like my neighbor's grown daughter who said, "I don't trust anything 'natural'".
I gave my neighbor my very first rooster that I had raised myself because I was moving and didn't have the time to cook him. He was just a youngster, barely even crowing. And he has been raised in a cage!! She took him telling me she would enjoy him for dinner. She even sounded excited about getting a chicken that was home grown. Well I found out that because my husband had said rooster in the sentence she took the bird and threw it away!!!!
It makes me upset that I gave her free food (even dressed and cured) and she threw it away!!! especially after we all know how much money goes into each bird.
Look at what this world is coming too!
Look at what this world is coming too!

We're already there.

While I was cooking dinner, I asked a friend (53 y.o. woman) to chop some fresh parsley for me. She got out a knife and fork, cut each tiny piece of stem off, and then began cutting it like one would a piece of steak. Took her 30 minutes. I just stood there, staring, mouth agape.
Would a chicken imprint again, even though it is grown?

it sounds like after the trama it did at least to me, it might not be the exact "imprint" like a new born goes through and have a different name therfore but on essence it sounded that itt re-imprinted or was tramitized enough emotionally and was cared for by a human while it may or may not think of it's self as human it has at least deleloped a different cognitive way of defineing it in regards to the rest of the flock and it's handler.then it did before. I had a cat I think he knew he was a cat but was a member of a human family so much he was more "human" than cat, and when he was injured on one occasion with a bad infection (one I knew either the vet would want a large sum for treatment probbably thousands which I didn't have for my own mother, let alone a pet or the vet would immediatly put him down) given my options, I got a bottle of whiskey and used that as a cleaning agent and a topical pain suppresent on the cat and treated him with a couple of other ointments, and figured with doctoring if he got better, good, if he got worse then I'd have to put him down, well he recovered and when he got toward the end of his life (I knew he had problems and needed to go) he had gotten cancer and the vet admitted with the kind he had it was more than likely would not respond to treatment and we could put him down right then or wait, we waited. the vet asked what we ever done to that cat to get it so calm and collected that a stranger who hadn't seen him was able to treat him with no fear and esp. to poking and prodding him, I told him what happened a few years before, and discribed the injury and how I treated him and he said that was what did it, and since he trusted me takeing him to be treated and the way I treated him in the office and the way there the cat figured in essence the vet was okay to do that to him because of our body language told him his faimily thought it was okay.
I have VERY limited exposer to ducks and I thought they turned upside down to eat (at least fish or whatever is swimming under the surface), I might be wrong but I thought that's how ducks eat some things. I thought they ate stuff on ground or water surface also, but that doesn't turn a duck upside down in water.....
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