Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Nooo! That's just crazy talk!
I suspect that's a tongue in cheek response. I've been told that the local chicken farms around here had a significant say in the town ruling that you can't raise chickens within city limits unless you have at least five acres of land - since chickens were deemed to be "livestock". I'm hoping that the urban/suburban/city homesteader movement under way these days will resolve those sorts of unnecessary constraints.

Exactly. My family uses the stuff without trans fat (which isn't made all that diferently and isn't poison).

If you want to talk about gross, consider how many people eat sausage (intestines). I'm not trying to knock sausage, as it's often delicious' but it's just as bad for you and ickier than veggie oil.

Not if you make the sausage yourself, like we do! You can even use cellulose casings, so no guts involved! No additives, just pork/beef/lamb (I use picnic pork shoulder), spices and occasionally some white wine. ;)
One other thing from earlier posts on margarine and butter related stuff...if you've never tried ghee, you should! It's clarified butter and is available in any Indian market (Asian markets too). it is SO much easier to cook with than regular butter, doesn't burn as quickly, smells amazing, and you can be a bit more experimental with it.
LOL. I will treasure that mental image for years to come

So will I - - - only, I consider them to be "flashbacks". Jeez. This is the same person who asked me how I made such fluffy mashed potatoes. I told her the secret was a ricer (her mother made them with an electric mixer), and even sent a nice one to her. She later called to tell me they were a complete flop; her's were all "soupy". Turns out she didn't drain the water from the cooked potatoes because I didn't *specifically* tell her to, even though she'd watched her mother make mashed potatoes for years.

Not if you make the sausage yourself, like we do! You can even use cellulose casings, so no guts involved! No additives, just pork/beef/lamb (I use picnic pork shoulder), spices and occasionally some white wine.
Sounds delicious
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