Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Veganism is amazing. Most people I know who are vegan (other than myself) only eat what they grow or veggies that are not gmo's. Although I am not that hardcore about it, I do believe that veganism is one of the best ways you can eat. I started eating as a vegan to help my poly-cystic ovarian syndrome because the hormones in meat and other animal by-product foods were putting my hormones out of whack (even more so than my body was) I was told that nothing would be able to cure my PCOS and that I would have to have surgery and take hormone treatments to have a normal cycle, but I wanted to treat it holistically. Within two weeks I was more energetic, I lost 15 pounds, and my hormones were leveling out to where they should be. I do eat my own chickens and eggs, so I am not "Vegan" but "Vegetarian" now, but I do not eat any meat or animal bi-product that I do not raise myself!

Oh, ok. So some people do it for health reasons or they only eat their own meat and eggs and so on. I guess I just sort of assumed people did it because they thought eating eggs killed chicks or that milking hurt the cow. Thank you Amalthea! I am now better edumacated about veganism.;)
Veganism is amazing. Most people I know who are vegan (other than myself) only eat what they grow or veggies that are not gmo's. Although I am not that hardcore about it, I do believe that veganism is one of the best ways you can eat. I started eating as a vegan to help my poly-cystic ovarian syndrome because the hormones in meat and other animal by-product foods were putting my hormones out of whack (even more so than my body was) I was told that nothing would be able to cure my PCOS and that I would have to have surgery and take hormone treatments to have a normal cycle, but I wanted to treat it holistically. Within two weeks I was more energetic, I lost 15 pounds, and my hormones were leveling out to where they should be. I do eat my own chickens and eggs, so I am not "Vegan" but "Vegetarian" now, but I do not eat any meat or animal bi-product that I do not raise myself!
Wow what a journey
, thank you for sharing. I am so happy you found your balance with your body. That must have been a very scary time and congrats for "taking the bull by the horns" and being an active part of your recovery.

I think that is the most important thing. If you feel miserable, regardless of the "diet" you are following, it is not for you. One should find what works for them. For example, I feel so much better when I don't eat grains, but my friend feels awful when she does not. She tried it for two months, after my great results, then she went back to eating them and her energy level increased. I however have so much more energy when I don't, and if I "cheat" I just feel like going to bed after the meal. Like right now, went to a Tex-Mex place and ate both corn and flour tortillas, now I am paying for it...
Wow what a journey:hugs , thank you for sharing.  I am so happy you found your balance with your body.  That must have been a very scary time and congrats for "taking the bull by the horns" and being an active part of your recovery.

I think that is the most important thing.  If you feel miserable, regardless of the "diet" you are following, it is not for you.  One should find what works for them.  For example, I feel so much better when I don't eat grains, but my friend feels awful when she does not. She tried it for two months, after my great results, then she went back to eating them and her energy level increased.  I however have so much more energy when I don't, and if I "cheat" I just feel like going to bed after the meal.  Like right now, went to a Tex-Mex place and ate both corn and flour tortillas, now I am paying for it...

I take one day a week or every two to just cheat, but really when you do have a cheat day you really don't cheat that bad because you are used to ordering the all veggie dish or salad and meat isn't really appealing. Although I still love my chicken eggs and homegrown meat I don't consider that to be cheating since it is all natural. My grandmother just had bowel surgery to remove apart of her colon and they told her to go on a vegan diet. She cannot go without meat because she loves it so much so I found a brand that makes "meatless" meat and it is awesome (boca, gardein are the brands) I made vegan creamy basil Alfredo and my three grandparents didnt know it wasn't chicken. These brands also have beef tips, fried chicken strips, and burgers of many different favors (black bean burger is awesome!!) people think that being vegan means eating bland salads but I can eat anything and I eat differently everyday!
I take one day a week or every two to just cheat, but really when you do have a cheat day you really don't cheat that bad because you are used to ordering the all veggie dish or salad and meat isn't really appealing. Although I still love my chicken eggs and homegrown meat I don't consider that to be cheating since it is all natural. My grandmother just had bowel surgery to remove apart of her colon and they told her to go on a vegan diet. She cannot go without meat because she loves it so much so I found a brand that makes "meatless" meat and it is awesome (boca, gardein are the brands) I made vegan creamy basil Alfredo and my three grandparents didnt know it wasn't chicken. These brands also have beef tips, fried chicken strips, and burgers of many different favors (black bean burger is awesome!!) people think that being vegan means eating bland salads but I can eat anything and I eat differently everyday!

Have you tried Nature's burger? It's a dried mix, just add boiling water, then fry it like a hamburger. I especially like it with fried mushrooms and cheese. Not sure how you'd do with the cheese... but, you get the idea!
My grandma heard that we were getting chickens and asked "How would we get eggs if we didn't have a rooster?" I suppose the hen is just useless now.

I ALWAYS get that question! Who started that? Why does EVERYBODY think that? That is probably the most popular misconception about chickens. That and "a chicken is a girl and a rooster is a boy"
I sure wouldn't be selling any beef to you, that's for sure. Having to send a 500 pound steer off to the rendering plant because he contracted something that could have been prevented by a simple vaccination is not economically feasible. Plus, in my view, it is irresponsible. Contagious diseases can wipe out a whole herd and while good management can prevent some of them it won't help if the pathogen is airborne or carried by insects, birds or other wildlife. I used to have a neighbor who felt the same way about vaccines as you do, only in regard to her children. She refused to have her children vaccinated because, according to her, vaccines were nasty and dangerous. She now visits her youngest daughter every Sunday at the cemetary. This beautiful little girl died of measles.

And I probably wouldn't be buying any beef from you, either.
If animals are raised in a healthy environment, like they are supposed to, and not CAFOs, then chances are they won't be getting sick. After working three Farmers Markets last year, a myriad of people have come up to us thanking us for providing good, clean meat, without all the extraneous crap, including grains for the cows. Cows were meant to eat grass, not grains. Everyone can make their own choice, but, should do their research first and then make the choice.
And I probably wouldn't be buying any beef from you, either.
If animals are raised in a healthy environment, like they are supposed to, and not CAFOs, then chances are they won't be getting sick. After working three Farmers Markets last year, a myriad of people have come up to us thanking us for providing good, clean meat, without all the extraneous crap, including grains for the cows. Cows were meant to eat grass, not grains. Everyone can make their own choice, but, should do their research first and then make the choice.
How much and what kind of meat do you raise?
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