Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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My neighbor's adult daughter just told me that, after watching a film about factory processed chickens, she's become a vegetarian. I could relate to that. But, then she said that once they were too old to lay, she'd probably just set them lose because it was too cruel to kill them quickly and humanely. This is right after she told me that her sister recently lost 4 chickens "because she just lets them run around loose". Hmmmmm. Hello? Anybody home?
And, then there're those intelligent people who offer to buy your eggs because they want *real* eggs but can't have their own chickens. God Bless their little pea-pickin' hearts.

Makes you want to hang a sign around the necks of some people that says, "IQ = <number here>", doesn't it? Quite a few low numbers are hanging out in the form of the subjects of some of these posts, such as "how long is a chicken pregnant?", and "how does his penis comes out of his beak?". Gives new meaning to the expression room temperature IQ. Sheesh.
I was asked the other day if I was scared everytime I crack open an egg just in case a chick fell out, this person also knows I only have 4 hens and no rooster!
I was asked the other day if I was scared everytime I crack open an egg just in case a chick fell out, this person also knows I only have 4 hens and no rooster!

This one gets me. Way before I ever had chickens I knew that eggs had to incubate for a while before they hatch. Every kid that's ever looked into a bird's nest should know that. Heck, even reptiles have to set their eggs & then it takes X nummber of days before they hatch.

Why would so many people think a chick is just going to "be in there."
This one gets me. Way before I ever had chickens I knew that eggs had to incubate for a while before they hatch. Every kid that's ever looked into a bird's nest should know that. Heck, even reptiles have to set their eggs & then it takes X nummber of days before they hatch.

Why would so many people think a chick is just going to "be in there."
don't you know anything? Chickens are pregnant with their eggs and when they lay them, they hatch. Gosh, lol.
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Can you imagine how difficult it was explaining to her that chickens are not actually pregnant?? After that discussion, I had to explain how the egg is actually fertilized. Then she asked me how his penis comes out of his beak................

That's the point where I completely gave up.

OMG I can't stop laughing. My husband just came in here and looked at me like I had gone crazy. I showed him this and he joined me.
I gave some chickens to a cousin and I was talking about roosters, she said "really, roosters hump the girls? I thought the sat on the egg and spermed on them or something." I nearly fell over laughing!! This is a grown woman I'm talking about.
Last year after a test I had a really weird conversation. i was sitting next to a girl and I was reading a book and I had a special bookmark that my friend had made. It had a drawing of a chicken on it and granted it's wasn't exactly realistic and it was just drawn in sharpie however.

Her: what's that? (Pointing to my bookmark) a guinea pig in a necklace?
Me: nooooo. It's a chicken.
H: hm.
M: look that's its wing (pointing) it's comb.
H: what's a comb?
M: (lengthy explanation)
M: (continues pointing to bookmark) and those are the feet! Chicken feet are scaly.
H: oh! Like fish! I knew chickens could swim!
M: :th
Last year after a test I had a really weird conversation. i was sitting next to a girl and I was reading a book and I had a special bookmark that my friend had made. It had a drawing of a chicken on it and granted it's wasn't exactly realistic and it was just drawn in sharpie however.

Her: what's that? (Pointing to my bookmark) a guinea pig in a necklace?
Me: nooooo. It's a chicken.
H: hm.
M: look that's its wing (pointing) it's comb.
H: what's a comb?
M: (lengthy explanation)
M: (continues pointing to bookmark) and those are the feet! Chicken feet are scaly.
H: oh! Like fish! I knew chickens could swim!


of course they can swim.. haven't you ever heard of "chicken of the sea"?

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