Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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I gave a friend a dozen eggs, all washed in an egg carton. He looked inside and thanked me, saying how much he loved farm fresh eggs and how excited he was to eat them. Then he took out all the white eggs. I asked what he was doing and he said, "Oh, the white ones aren't natural."

"What do you mean?"

"Those are artificial. They're bleached, or at least come from industry chickens. Only the brown ones are natural."

"Maybe in the egg industry they do things differently, but on my farm the egg color is dependent on the breed."

He looked at me funny, closed the egg carton with the brown eggs and said, "Oh." He never took the white eggs home with him.

People are weird...

Ask him to try to bleach a brown egg and to report back to you what luck he had doing so. You might also give him a hatchery catalog that shows what color eggs different chickens lay.
I gave a friend a dozen eggs, all washed in an egg carton. He looked inside and thanked me, saying how much he loved farm fresh eggs and how excited he was to eat them. Then he took out all the white eggs. I asked what he was doing and he said, "Oh, the white ones aren't natural."

"What do you mean?"

"Those are artificial. They're bleached, or at least come from industry chickens. Only the brown ones are natural."

"Maybe in the egg industry they do things differently, but on my farm the egg color is dependent on the breed."

He looked at me funny, closed the egg carton with the brown eggs and said, "Oh." He never took the white eggs home with him.

People are weird...

What's the matter with him? How rude ... didn't his mother bother to teach him manners? Never heard the expression, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth"? Never heard of "thank you" or gratitude? Geesh!
I get the ones that say they don't want to eat the eggs cause they are scared it will have a baby in it. I don't have a rooster. I got another one its not about chickens or egg but its one of my personal favorites since it comes from my mother-in-law. She swears ducks are cold blooded and that's how they can stand the cold water in winter. I just roll my eyes and laugh a little inside every time. I had a girl at work tell me that I needed a rooster for them to lay eggs. So I asked her if she needed a man for her body to make eggs. She said good point.
Where I grew up, they would say "Bless his heart".

That's what we say when people seem a bit dim, not when they're blatantly rude and unappreciative. Picking through free eggs and getting rid of the white ones because they're "not natural"? That's when we say, "Gimme back my eggs, you ignorant ingrate!" We don't care about their feelings when they clearly don't care about ours.
"... my mother-in-law swears ducks are cold blooded and that's how they can stand the cold water in winter."

Bless her heart.

Ask her how come they use duck or goose down for comforters and jackets. Let us know what she says. Should be interesting.

Reminds of a question on a test of auditory comprehension that I frequently give: "What keeps ducks warm in winter?" Most kids answer "fur". "From what is a brown, wool sweater made?" Answer: "A wolf." Oh! And Africa is a state. A teacher today told me that's because the curriculum does not teach them the states until middle school, if at all.

It's amazing what I hear ... and very, very scary.
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I was told by my sons girl friend that she thinks its mean that we are planning to eat the roos we have and that she wouldnt eat any cause they probably have diseases……She said she would rather eat McDonalds!!! OH if she only knew where that meat came from and what was really in it!!!
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