Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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More fluffy butt, but in a roo. People don't want my Bantam Cochin eggs, because "they're too small". I tell them the same thing I tell people who don't want the blue and green eggs, "Actually, I like them better". Like there's a real difference just because of the shell.
That reminds me of something my neighbor said. Well it wasn't actually a neighbor but someone my neighbor temporarily rented a house to for 6 months. She asked how many chickens i had and when i told her 22 she exclaimed "that's a lot of pets!!". I replied "they aren't pets i use them for food" and a look of sheer horror came across her face. It was amusing to see someone make the connection between her kfc meal and the animal it came from for the first time.

lol's yeah i love it i never did understand why it's so hard for people to understand that i want to "know" my meat personally
but i don't mind giving my meat birds nicknames they are just as much my babys as any layer i may have even though they will be in the oven soon just because they will be my food doesn't mean i shouldn't care for and love them any less.
Awww... so glad he is still with you. He looks like my Spaz that died a few years ago. Still miss that little sweet man. I can't imagine what he would do around my chickens now. I have his friend Pistol and now another rescue named Lady and am really suprised Lady hasn't made any effort to get in the melon box on my table with the chicks. Though there IS a wire hardware cloth laying over the top just in case since her first 5 years of life were feral. But I do miss the spastic running wall to wall Spaz used to do. Then he'd go hide... was a very timid cat. Take care of that little love.

yeah for sure
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