Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Where I live farm fair is coming up, and I will be in the chicken tent showing off my birds so I am sure to get a ton of dumb things said to me. Wish me luck guys. :/ I have to try my best to be polite.... And not laugh about it with my friends until they've walked away. :lol:
Where I live farm fair is coming up, and I will be in the chicken tent showing off my birds so I am sure to get a ton of dumb things said to me. Wish me luck guys.
I have to try my best to be polite.... And not laugh about it with my friends until they've walked away.
If anyone says anything tooo outrageous you have to tell us about it!
I would probably be evil and tell her, "you know, you're absolutely right! Who knows what kind of diseases my poor chickens could pick up from y'all! "
Where I live farm fair is coming up, and I will be in the chicken tent showing off my birds so I am sure to get a ton of dumb things said to me. Wish me luck guys. :/ I have to try my best to be polite.... And not laugh about it with my friends until they've walked away. :lol:

Take a notebook to write it all down.
And I see I was beat to that. That's what I get for quoting without reading the rest of the thread
Really almost any animal that spends time outside can be a carrier of a number of diseases that could be dangerous to unborn children and individuals with suppressed immune systems.

So can Aunt Harriet. As for me, I have never gotten sick from exposure to any animal except small children. I'm not kidding. If I get within 10 feet of a kid with the sniffles, I'm doomed. Any critter can carry stuff and it doesn't matter if they have been outside or not.
So can Aunt Harriet. As for me, I have never gotten sick from exposure to any animal except small children. I'm not kidding. If I get within 10 feet of a kid with the sniffles, I'm doomed. Any critter can carry stuff and it doesn't matter if they have been outside or not.
I'm the same. Every time I spend time around small children I'm sick for a week.
So, I'm just chillin' with my chickens and loving life in general when my sister calls me today and asks me to not come to my niece's baby shower next week (she's having twins!) without showering and changing clothes and shoes at my mom's house beforehand. I live about an hour away from them, but they all live in the same town. I ask why and she says she was talking to a friend of hers about me owning chickens and the friend told her that chickens can transmit some fatal disease to unborn babies. What?

I told her to call my niece's doctor and ask about that...

Being old and cranky, I would just stay home. But then baby showers have never been very high on my list of things I like to do. One thing you might consider. Even if you sanitize yourself from head to toe, shower, disinfectant soap, shampoo, new clothes and all, if you go and later somebody gets sick from anything you are going to be blamed. Also, any gift you present may well end up in the trash because it's "contaminated".
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