Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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I don't know if this counts as "dumb things people have said", but I'm shocked about how many people are scared or nervous around chickens. They ask me if they are dangerous or attack people. I think they are confused about chickens being roosters. My hens are so gentle and play with the kids in the yard. They aren't scary.

I have to say that when I was a kid, my grandpa kept chickens. He had this rooster that would attack anything in the run, and I was always the one who had to collect eggs... so naturally I grew up thinking that roosters were mean and didn't want anything to do with them, I didn't really make a distinction between roosters and hens at that point either.

My sweetie talked me into getting some chickens last year and there were three cockerels in the group that we got. I totally fell in love with the roos. I love the pullets too, they are so sweet, but the roos just grabbed my heart and I have completely overcome my fear of them. I think it makes a difference to get them as chicks, at least it did for me. I raised them from day old babies and have spent lots of time getting to know them, it totally changed the way I look at chickens.

what is as bad or worse is American and Canadians whom cross our common boarder and do not realize that the US dollar and the Canadian dollar is not the same currency and often not worth the same amount.
or worse, when you got a real hankering for a candy bar from a vending machine, but you realize that the cashier gave you a Canadian Quarter the last time you broke a dollar and the machine won't take it.
Yesterday was the first day of farm fair.
A grown man asked me "do you have anything like foghorn leghorn? My son really wants to see foghorn leghorn. *holding hands two feet apart in midair* you know! the ones this big with the reeeeeaalllly long tail feathers? *holds hands a foot apart*"
Me: "those don't exist. We have white roosters but 2 foot tall roosters with tail feathers a foot long that walk upright do not exist."
Him: "but my son really wants to see foghorn leghorn!"
Me: "sorry...." :th
(Someone else) "how old are chicks when they stop nursing?" :he
There were ducklings in a pen with their mother and I was holding a duckling so the kids could pet him and one mother pointed and said to her child "look! Chickens!"
Me: "they're ducks."
Her: "look! Chicks!"
Me: "ducklings" can people really not tell a duck from a chicken? Ducks have big flat bills and webbed feet. And the momma duck was even quacking. As far as I know, chickens do not quack. :/
Yesterday was the first day of farm fair.
A grown man asked me "do you have anything like foghorn leghorn? My son really wants to see foghorn leghorn. *holding hands two feet apart in midair* you know! the ones this big with the reeeeeaalllly long tail feathers? *holds hands a foot apart*"
Me: "those don't exist. We have white roosters but 2 foot tall roosters with tail feathers a foot long that walk upright do not exist."
Him: "but my son really wants to see foghorn leghorn!"
Me: "sorry...."

(Someone else) "how old are chicks when they stop nursing?"

There were ducklings in a pen with their mother and I was holding a duckling so the kids could pet him and one mother pointed and said to her child "look! Chickens!"
Me: "they're ducks."
Her: "look! Chicks!"
Me: "ducklings" can people really not tell a duck from a chicken? Ducks have big flat bills and webbed feet. And the momma duck was even quacking. As far as I know, chickens do not quack.
thats saad but hilarious
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Yesterday was the first day of farm fair.
A grown man asked me "do you have anything like foghorn leghorn? My son really wants to see foghorn leghorn. *holding hands two feet apart in midair* you know! the ones this big with the reeeeeaalllly long tail feathers? *holds hands a foot apart*"
Me: "those don't exist. We have white roosters but 2 foot tall roosters with tail feathers a foot long that walk upright do not exist."
Him: "but my son really wants to see foghorn leghorn!"
Me: "sorry...."

I guess you're lucky he didn't ask you to get your roos to say, "Son, I said son ... ". Some people are too stupid to breed.

ETA: Thinking about this idiot further, did he also expect to find a duck like Daffy, or a Rabbit like Bugs Bunny who stands on his two back legs, holding a carrot in a front paw and saying, "Eh, what's up doc?"
Too many people just don't bother to THINK! Sounds like his brain has atrophied from lack of use.
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This is a Bantam Cochin chick. I showed this picture to a vet's assistant who said "what a cute little ducking!" She was embarrassed when I told her that was a chicken.

Same picture, different person: the Vet of the same office. "A cute little duckling". No kidding.

This is a Bantam Cochin chick. I showed this picture to a vet's assistant who said "what a cute little ducking!" She was embarrassed when I told her that was a chicken.

Same picture, different person: the Vet of the same office. "A cute little duckling". No kidding.
some ppl... sigh
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