Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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I've always wondered about these "Vaccinations are bad for you, they're a CIA mind control plot" people, do they really want things like TB and polio to come back?
Something tells me you don't really wonder, you just like to make snide comments.

First, I doubt if many people believe that vaccinations are a CIA mind control plot. Probably about the same number as believe that chickens are a Russian mind control plot.

Second, if you really wondered about the views of those of us who prefer not to vaccinate, you would be educated about the answer. Guess you just like to judge people based on their choices before doing any research into the matter.

It's funny, I'm pretty heavily against vaccinations, for various reasons, but if you've done your research and choose to go the other way I completely respect your opinion. Not sure why people like you have to deride others, but hey, if that's what makes you feel good, go ahead.

Well, perhaps that was a bit harshly worded, and like hennible says, a bad attempt at being funny, but there are many vaccinations that actually help keep serious illnesses at bay. People live in such densely populated areas nowadays, that if everyone would stop getting vaccinated, it would not take long for some sort of epidemic to erupt. The reference to CIA mind control was meant to point to the people who unconditionally believe all vaccines to be 100% harmful. I'll be the first person to admit that there are also vaccines that are unnecessary.

If you are one of these people who think so, I would genuinely be interested in hearing what you have to say about the matter. What would be the benefit of the polio vaccine never being developed?
Other than to lessen suffering and reducing the human population, not much else good would have come from no Polio vaccine, BTW I saw in the paper today it's the inventor of the polio vaccine's birthday today Dr. Sulk.
I'm one of those people that chooses to not get the flu shot. My husband, my kids and I all go without because we feel that a natural immunity is safer and healthier than a vaccine though I do believe that certain vaccines are necessary. We also try to avoid taking any medication if at all possible. We use things like homemade teas (garlic, Ginger tea is a big one when you feel a cold coming on). Sometimes though, there's no choice.
Boy oh boy, I seem to run into them. I got ANOTHER for this thread, though it's not about chickens but meat rabbits. I was telling someone else that I get meat rabbits for cheap or free off of Craigslist, and this drooling Muppet interjected and freaked out on me.

Histrionic City-slicker: off of craiglist? you ******* piece of ****! that's probably someoen giving away a PET you ******! I'm reporting you to police and animal protection you piece of trash

Me: Yah-hum. Feel free. Not that you bothered to ask before you jumped to that conclusion, but the people I source from are advertising MEAT rabbits specifically, and they are aware when I pick them up what I intend to use them for. So go right ahead and bother the police and waste their time, and enjoy the hefty fine they give you for abusing 911.

Histrionic City-slicker: haha loser I know it's not 911 you call for trash like you but the non-emergency line! it's obvious you're not only cruel but you are dumb as well. You're like the serial killers, they all start by killing innocent animals first. I'm sure you're planning your first human victim soon you butcher. And yeah ******' right people actually post on craigslist that they are giving away free meat rabbits.

Me: Your histrionics are quite amusing. Please, feel free to keep going.

Histrionic City-slicker: no thanks loser I don't entertain heartless murderers like you. Your cruelty will come back one day b/c all that goes around comes around and one day you will be the rabbit you scum bag

Me: Then I'm totally coming back as the rabbit from Monty Python. Then I can eat vegans!
Vegans! The Other, Other White Meat!!

I've always wondered about these "Vaccinations are bad for you, they're a CIA mind control plot" people, do they really want things like TB and polio to come back?

Personally, a vaccination is only a little shot for the most part. It really couldn't have a lot of bad stuff in it. Especially when you compare it to what a conventional American diet can take in from pesticide residues, antibiotics, added hormones, and other chemicals in our foods. I would worry about that stuff a whole lot more than what some little shot.
I'm one of those people that chooses to not get the flu shot. My husband, my kids and I all go without because we feel that a natural immunity is safer and healthier than a vaccine though I do believe that certain vaccines are necessary. We also try to avoid taking any medication if at all possible. We use things like homemade teas (garlic, Ginger tea is a big one when you feel a cold coming on). Sometimes though, there's no choice.
I'm a massage therapist, and I don't bother with one. There's so many different people coming thru Ann Arbor all the time that even if I got one odds are I'm going to end up with somebody who's just getting over or fighting off a bug which would be a flu strain that's not covered by the flu shot that flu season. Plus, I don't have that many little kids or elderly around me, so I'm not that worried about it.
I smoke yet I don't really eat junk food and try to be health-conscious and I don't get the flu shot... I'm just another walking contradiction like most of us are...
I don't know anyone who's healthy lifestyle is an all-or-nothing approach. We all have our vices and concessions to temptation.

Something tells me you don't really wonder, you just like to make snide comments.

First, I doubt if many people believe that vaccinations are a CIA mind control plot. Probably about the same number as believe that chickens are a Russian mind control plot.

Second, if you really wondered about the views of those of us who prefer not to vaccinate, you would be educated about the answer. Guess you just like to judge people based on their choices before doing any research into the matter.

It's funny, I'm pretty heavily against vaccinations, for various reasons, but if you've done your research and choose to go the other way I completely respect your opinion. Not sure why people like you have to deride others, but hey, if that's what makes you feel good, go ahead.
Doesn't sound now like vehve was trying to paint all anti-vaxxers or limited vaxxers as loonies, but I can understand the sensitivity. I have a daughter with a atypical brain and seizure disorder. Her neurologist tailored a vaccination schedule for her (that doesn't include all the vaccines recommended) because she cannot handle the current schedule. It caused massive clonic-thonic seizures and brain scarring. As a result, she's always 'behind' the vaccine schedule from only getting on when her system can handle it and the neurology team thinks the benefits to her outweigh the personal risks. It can be irritating when people think everyone who questions some vaccines and bucks the crazy schedule they're given on is some anti-science paranoid walking biohazard.
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