Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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I'll briefly stand up for vehve and assume he was trying to be funny...
Epic fail vehve...
But I don't know for sure....

Hear, hear! I agree.

I'll add that although I'm not in favor of ALL vaccinations, I sure wish they'd had the H Flu Meningitis vaccine back in 1976 when my daughter, 3 years old at the time, almost died from the disease. It's a nasty one, taking the life of 50% of the kids who got it and leaving 50% of the survivors with some sort of permanent neurological damage. She's profoundly deaf, thanks to it. The vaccine came out 10 years too late for her.
I'm one of those people that chooses to not get the flu shot. My husband, my kids and I all go without because we feel that a natural immunity is safer and healthier than a vaccine though I do believe that certain vaccines are necessary. We also try to avoid taking any medication if at all possible. We use things like homemade teas (garlic, Ginger tea is a big one when you feel a cold coming on). Sometimes though, there's no choice.

We are of a like mind. I remember having to stay in during the hottest part of a summer day in an effort to avoid getting polio. Kids who did get it were imprisoned in an iron lung. The vaccine came out when I was about 12; my friend's mom took me along when she took her kids to get it. Not sure I would've gotten it, otherwise.
That's thinking I can get on board with. Unprescribed antibiotic use is another thing I dislike.

Or overprescribed, as some doctors do. If a patient is insistent, they cave. It's not a good practice. Of course, why anyone would go to a doctor and TELL him how to treat their illness is beyond me but, believe me, they do! duh.
Been my experience in my 64 years on this planet that if I have an opinion, I can always and easily find a study done by "experts" to support my position.

This is called "Confirmation Bias" in research; looking for evidence that will support your theory, rather than the other way around. Unfortunately, due to the overriding ego of many researchers, it's far too common.
Or overprescribed, as some doctors do. If a patient is insistent, they cave. It's not a good practice. Of course, why anyone would go to a doctor and TELL him how to treat their illness is beyond me but, believe me, they do! duh.
Or you go to a doctor, and they do a culture, that's going to take three days (According to them) and then prescribe you antibiotics and never tell you if you had something viral or bacterial.

Seems like doctors will prescribe antibiotics for anyone who has a little fever or sore throat or pretty much anything these days.
Or you go to a doctor, and they do a culture, that's going to take three days (According to them) and then prescribe you antibiotics and never tell you if you had something viral or bacterial.

Seems like doctors will prescribe antibiotics for anyone who has a little fever or sore throat or pretty much anything these days.

If that's the case, I'd find another doctor. I don't go to doctors who don't communicate and/or who treat me like a child, or try to talk me out of a second opinion. I've fired many of them. Too many good ones out there to put up with that kind of arrogance.
If that's the case, I'd find another doctor. I don't go to doctors who don't communicate and/or who treat me like a child, or try to talk me out of a second opinion. I've fired many of them. Too many good ones out there to put up with that kind of arrogance. 

I wish that was the case here, you don't really get to choose who you see, our clinic is quite crowded and our hospital is very understaffed. I take my kids to a doctor about an hour and a half drive away because at least in that town I can choose who I see.
I wish that was the case here, you don't really get to choose who you see, our clinic is quite crowded and our hospital is very understaffed. I take my kids to a doctor about an hour and a half drive away because at least in that town I can choose who I see.

wow. You must be further out in the sticks than I am. Well, do the best you can if you think it may be just a virus. If you can, demand they tell you if it's viral or bacterial. But, if you suspect strep throat, get it treated immediately with antibiotics. I didn't when I was a teenager and ended up with rheumatic fever and heart damage. For more serious matters, make the drive!!
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