Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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My turn...

Our story is a bit different. I was recently divorced from husband #2 when I moved half way across the country to a place I'd only been to a couple of times on vacation and didn't know anyone. Within that 1st month I met THE guy. Didn't know it at the time since I was certain marriage was just out of the question ever again. He had been married 3x and long since given up even the idea of trying again. So, yep, between the two of us, we had struck out 5 times. But something was different this time, maybe because we were older or because we had the same goofy sense of humor or because we shared the same ideas of what was important in life.

Anyway, in January we'll be celebrating our 3rd anniversary and couldn't be happier. This is the marriage we both tried so hard to have before, but this time it's between the right two people.
On the subject of ignorance. About a mile up the hill I have a old neighbor who is on the very high side of 90. Franks kids and great grand kids takes turns living with him. Right now a daughter and teenage great granddaughter and their 4 dogs are taking their turn.

Now Frank and my oldest brother Jim live next door to one another and have been friends for 16 years. Last month g-granddaughter overheard a conversation between Frank and my brother. Frank was telling Jim that now that he is starting to enter his senior years he almost looks Indian. Now we are very pale skinned and had auburn hair in out youths but Jim told him we have Indian blood from a couple tribes way way way back.

Well g-granddaughter freaked out and won't stay in the same room with my brother anymore. It's like she thinks a nearly 70 year old man is going to pull out a tomahawk and scalp her.

A few days later I caught 2 of her dogs mauling one of my chickens. Well i had just lost 5 to what i thought was coons so I was very upset. And raised quite a fuss. Well when the fuss was over it turned out that I'm the only one within 2 miles that still has any chickens left. We believe g-granddaughters dogs got the rest including Franks dozen hens. The dogs were supposed to be kept in a kennel, they are city dogs. But nothing anyone could say would keep her from letting the dogs out to run because it was "mean" to keep them locked up.

Jim volunteered to be the one to tell them about the dogs being caught in the act. When he did he told g-granddaughter that he wanted to embrace his Indian side and had always wondered how dog tastes. Now we have no idea if Indians used to eat dog or not... and I don't want to know. But Jim seems to have her number, there are padlocks on the dog kennels now.
Well g-granddaughter freaked out and won't stay in the same room with my brother anymore. It's like she thinks a nearly 70 year old man is going to pull out a tomahawk and scalp her.

Jim volunteered to be the one to tell them about the dogs being caught in the act. When he did he told g-granddaughter that he wanted to embrace his Indian side and had always wondered how dog tastes. Now we have no idea if Indians used to eat dog or not... and I don't want to know. But Jim seems to have her number, there are padlocks on the dog kennels now.
Not sure if this story should make me laugh or cry. It's sad that any teenager today would be so ignorant/racist. I've always though it strange that people would think a drop of blood way back when makes you something. It's pretty funny though that Jim used it against her to get her to keep her dogs locked up.
On the subject of ignorance. About a mile up the hill I have a old neighbor who is on the very high side of 90. Franks kids and great grand kids takes turns living with him. Right now a daughter and teenage great granddaughter and their 4 dogs are taking their turn.

Now Frank and my oldest brother Jim live next door to one another and have been friends for 16 years. Last month g-granddaughter overheard a conversation between Frank and my brother. Frank was telling Jim that now that he is starting to enter his senior years he almost looks Indian. Now we are very pale skinned and had auburn hair in out youths but Jim told him we have Indian blood from a couple tribes way way way back.

Well g-granddaughter freaked out and won't stay in the same room with my brother anymore. It's like she thinks a nearly 70 year old man is going to pull out a tomahawk and scalp her.

A few days later I caught 2 of her dogs mauling one of my chickens. Well i had just lost 5 to what i thought was coons so I was very upset. And raised quite a fuss. Well when the fuss was over it turned out that I'm the only one within 2 miles that still has any chickens left. We believe g-granddaughters dogs got the rest including Franks dozen hens. The dogs were supposed to be kept in a kennel, they are city dogs. But nothing anyone could say would keep her from letting the dogs out to run because it was "mean" to keep them locked up.

Jim volunteered to be the one to tell them about the dogs being caught in the act. When he did he told g-granddaughter that he wanted to embrace his Indian side and had always wondered how dog tastes. Now we have no idea if Indians used to eat dog or not... and I don't want to know. But Jim seems to have her number, there are padlocks on the dog kennels now.
**** I have been very lucky that everyone I know that lives around me actually believes that I would shoot their dogs if I caught them in my yard or going after my birds (I would without hesitation) but it is sad that I have to downright threaten my neighbors to be good dog owners :/ my family owned two big dogs for almost 16 years and they have never killed anyone else's pets, gone threw other people trash, or harassed anyone if my dogs did get out without a leash we fixed the problem THAT DAY what is the matter with these other people?
Today I had to explain to my dad for the 16th time why I can let the lone males (drake or rooster) free range with everybody else
Dad: so why don't they get out ever
me: because they would fight with the head drake or rooster and they could get hurt or die
Dad: So how are you going to fix it?
me: i wanted to kill them but i know everyone would freak out if i did
dad: Well just rehome them!
Me: i have been trying for months

dad: well fix it (stomps out of the room)
**** I have been very lucky that everyone I know that lives around me actually believes that I would shoot their dogs if I caught them in my yard or going after my birds (I would without hesitation) but it is sad that I have to downright threaten my neighbors to be good dog owners :/ my family owned two big dogs for almost 16 years and they have never killed anyone else's pets, gone threw other people trash, or harassed anyone if my dogs did get out without a leash we fixed the problem THAT DAY what is the matter with these other people?

I think its a bad case of "It's my dog, daughter or son whatever and they could do no wrong"

BTW" how did one of your chickens get named needle nose?
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Well, beings we are sharing stories...

I graduated high school at 17. I turned 18 in the fall. I was going to college and needing money. I saw an ad for school bus drivers, in a district 20 miles from where I went to high school.

I applied and got hired. I drove bus morning and evening with classes in between.

About a year after I started driving school bus the high school kids on the bus wanted to have a party at a rural town hall. The board of supervisor said they could only have the party if they had a chaperone. They asked if their school bus driver would qualify. The town board said sure.

They then came to me told me they were having a birthday party for me at the town hall. I said no. then they begged me and said it was a birthday party for a half dozen others too, and said they needed me to chaperone. I agreed to do it. BUT to this day I doubt the town board thought the school bus driver was less than a year older than some of the students.

My wife came with one of the girls on my bus route. I had driven her bus a couple times but did not recognize her. I thought she was cute we, we talked, danced, and snuck out for pizza.
The friend she came with got mad and left while we were in town at the pizza place. I was forced to give her a ride home. Funny thing was she lived across the county road on a farm across from my grandparents farm.

The next 2 years I spent a lot of time staying at my grandparents. We were married .

42 years later we still are, and have 4 grand kids! I cannot imagine my life without her in it......BUT I do try to some times!! lol
I love happy stories.
I met Ken, six days later had my diamond, and we've been married almost 47 years. I was 16 then. Exactly two months after my 17th birthday, to the day, we were married. Been a heck of a roller coaster, but I wouldn't trade one second!
I am so happy for you, a lot of young marriages don't survive.
there is only one person i know in real life that actually understands everything i say about chickens.........no one else......sad right?
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