Dumpster Diving-Garage Sale-Goodwill-Thrift Store & Craigslist Finds

Great topic. Around here, the thrift stores all have sales where items with a certain colored price tag will be either 25% or 50% off on a certain day. One day my teen daughter said she needed new jeans and I suggested we try the thrift store. She didn't want to because it isn't "cool" to wear used clothes and what if the person who donated them recognized them? But I told her we had to stop and look there on the way to the mall anyway so...she found a pair of brand new jeans, still with the tags on them, and they were marked $10 but had the right color tag to be 50% off that day. So she got a $60 pair of jeans for $5. She buys all her own clothes out of an account I set up for her just for that purpose, so she was thrilled with this find as it left a lot more money in her account she could use on other things. She's better about thrift store shopping now....

Just last week my son needed new clothes to attend a wedding since he's grown several inches this year and outgrown all the other "nice" clothes he had. Once again I hit the thrift store and found him a pair of black slacks and nice button down shirt. Paid $3.75 for both. It wasn't until after I got home that I noticed the shirt still had tags attached....
I will have to say that my greatest find at a local garage sale was a Mid 1970's Presto Pressure Canner for $3

Then my non-dumpster dive find was a old Amoir (sp?) I now use it in my sewing/craft room to hold lots of my supplies.

Also, jsut to add....we found 2 twin size sheets to make an old-fashioned dress for my 16 yr old. (I have to add that this is "her" favorite find.

There are more but to many to list. But these are my 2 favorite finds.
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My favorite find was in a local store (sort of like a thrift store). I found a plate there that sells for up to $25 and I only paid $3 for it. That had to have been my all time favorite find!
Mid-century lamp, Goodwill for $2, actual value around $100.
An entire set of 1940's chrome kitchen accessories by Lincoln Beauty Ware from random places for under $50. Each piece is worth more then $50. I am missing only the cake/pie saver.
A 1960's meat grinder in the box. $7 at the Salvation Army. Sadly I thought it would handle grains and I ruined it.
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I found this piece by the side of the road, it was covered with 4 coats of paint. But I knew what it was!
So I took my car down there and picked it up - a few weeks later after I stripped it and sanded it I put a wax finish on it.
Even the drawer pulls came out nice. Not bad for a garbage find.


I live for finds like these!
Ooohh this is a great thread! I think my best find is 2 garage doors for our house when we where building it for $35 each. Sure they where used but it saved us way over $1000. They are 8x7 I think. I found them at a yard sale, And we repainted them.
I bought 3 of these off of craigslist for $700. 2 incubators and 1 hatcher. I love these!
Here is one of the bators and the hatcher.
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