E-Bay Eggs On The Way!

Googled Black Copper Marans chicks and found good photos of chicks, helped me identify my one Marans, it's the one i suspected was the Marans, the weak one! He kept falling on his back in the dryer, so i put him in the brooder with the already dry chicks and he dried out and is looking a lot healthier now, though certainly not a hardy one like the rest, but at least he did hatch on his own without help. Opened the other 2 Marans's eggs and they were both dead, looks like they died a few days ago. Certainly won't be ordering eggs from Redhillranchpoultry on ebay. 8 eggs 5 unfertile, two died early in the shell and the one hatchling is weak and not thriving.
Googled Black Copper Marans chicks and found good photos of chicks, helped me identify my one Marans, it's the one i suspected was the Marans, the weak one! He kept falling on his back in the dryer, so i put him in the brooder with the already dry chicks and he dried out and is looking a lot healthier now, though certainly not a hardy one like the rest, but at least he did hatch on his own without help. Opened the other 2 Marans's eggs and they were both dead, looks like they died a few days ago. Certainly won't be ordering eggs from Redhillranchpoultry on ebay. 8 eggs 5 unfertile, two died early in the shell and the one hatchling is weak and not thriving.
Sorry about your Marans, shipped eggs are more difficult to hatch. My suggestion is to contact the seller about the 5 unfertile eggs, that I would agree is too many. If he's reputable he may replace them or refund you.
None of my eggs look alive, but we'll see tomorrow.
I did send the seller a note, probably wasn't very diplomatic, but would be nice to get replacement eggs. On a brighter note, several of the oliver eggers from the same seller hatched, but unfortunately the olive egger's daddy must have been a Copper Marans because they all look like marans chicks and i don't know for sure which one is the purebred out of the chocolate egg.



20 Chicks in the brooder, and 7 that i had to intervene and help them still in the hatcher/dryer and my freshly scrubbed incubator out in the sunshine getting a nice radiation treatment to sterilize bacteria. This hatch is over. :D
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I did send the seller a note, probably wasn't very diplomatic, but would be nice to get replacement eggs. On a brighter note, several of the oliver eggers from the same seller hatched, but unfortunately the olive egger's daddy must have been a Copper Marans because they all look like marans chicks and i don't know for sure which one is the purebred out of the chocolate egg.
That is going to be my problem. I have 9 OE's (Marans x Amer), currently in blue shell then 8 Marans and 10 Ameraucanas. Now I remember why years ago I hatched EEs and OE separately from pure Ameraucanas and Marans. I'm an hour late on lockdown, I better get busy.
Could you put dividers into your bator at lock down to keep the various breeds separate? (There are threads on here explaining how.) Then band them each afterwards to tell them apart? I think that would be the only way I could tell them apart accurately.

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